Chapter 61

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n// hey y'all i just wanna pop in and talk about something before we get this chapter started, and i'd appreciate if you didn't skip.

i'd like to apologize for abandoning this for so long, it's just that i'm at a loss with this story.  after the originals ended i lost interest in the entire series, and that made it really hard to even conceive an update.  and i didn't just want to cram something half assed out because that isn't fair to you.

with that being said, that isn't the only reason for my absence.  it's hard to update when you wake up to notifications of comments shitting on your story every day.  i understand the writing at the beginning was cliche and quickly paced and even bad at times.  however, i was a child when i started this.  i didn't know that anyone would actually read it in the first place.  i was writing the klaus fic i wanted to read.  i wrote this for me -- no one else.  i wrote a romance without any bullshit plot twists or slowburn.  i wrote the romance i wished klaus could've had.

let me share two things about me: i am not the one, nor am i the two.  i don't take too kindly to disrespect, and i don't play games.  despite the beginnings of this, it is still my baby, and i am proud of it.  i sincerely don't give a fuck if you don't like it, and i'm tired of people making me feel bad about this story because i'm proud of it.  this story, the one i have spent hours writing and crafting, has gained over ONE MILLION views.  

some of you who are talking shit cannot say the same about yours.  

i'm sorry if this is dramatic or even mean, but i'm tired of punishing the readers of this story, the ones who actually like it, for the actions of others.  so to those readers, thank you.  your support means the world to me.  and in case you were wondering, i've started talking shit right back LMFAOOOOOOO so anyways, here's the chapter, and i promise there will be more updates to come.  

i love you, hope you're all doing well, wear a mask, stay inside, and remember that bullying is ok when people are mean to you first!!!!! enjoy the chapter babies :)

love you always <3

-finnmikaelson, your local wattpad mom

Thora couldn't stand being in the Gilbert house.  In fact, she deemed it to be the most wretched place in all of Mystic Falls.  The tacky wallpaper, the smell of Elena's cheap perfume, Jeremy's laundry wherever she turned, but most of all, the reminder that she, and her husband, were trapped in the very place where their beloved Kol was killed.

Sighing, she placed a kiss on her husband's back as he laid between her legs, plotting the demise of everyone in the town, she was sure.  She ran her long nails through his curls, wondering what was on his mind, but at the same time, knowing exactly what was there.  She could feel the anger radiating off of him in steady waves.  He was furious, he was calm.  It was arguably the scariest she had ever seen the man.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pushed her front to his back and held it for a moment, reminding him that she was here, and that she would always be there.  Klaus melted into her touch, reaching around and gripping her thigh for a moment before letting go.

"You need rest, love." Nik muttered, not opening his eyes.  "You haven't slept since you got here."

"I can't sleep," she replied quietly.  "Not after what they did.  What they did to Kol.  To you.  I cannot rest, Niklaus.  Not until we're out of here."

"I know, love.  I know," Klaus soothed, sensing that she was becoming worked up.  "I hate it here, too.  I'd burn the place to the ground if you would only leave."

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