Chapter 14

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"Once again, you insufficient oaf," Klaus growled at one of his minions, growing angrier by the second. "She is out there. The spell definitely worked. Find her. I don't care if you have to tear this town apart until it rains blood. Find my damn wife, or else I will compel you to rip out your entrails from your back-side and eat them!"

The compelled vampire nodded with wide eyes before zooming out of the room, leaving the hybrid alone. It just wasn't making sense. The spell worked, seeing as the witch he had gotten to do it gave him conformation before dropping dead, but there was one thing missing. His wife whom he had resurrected. His wife, who appeared to be missing. He had some doubts that the spell even worked, but he knew that wasn't possible. Why would a witch, who was dying anyways and was completely loyal to him, lie to him when she knew that that was her last breath? He knew he had done nothing to deserve revenge from her, in fact, she came willingly. She knew exactly what she was signing up for when she agreed to bring his Thora back from the dead, and she told nothing but the truth when performing the spell. She informed him that someone on the other side was trying to interfere, but that she was no match for her magic and that it was too late for anything to be done in order to counter it. So the only reasonable solution was that Thora was simply somewhere else. Perhaps a different town, a different state, maybe even a different country. But that didn't matter to him. He knew he would find her one way or another. He had to.

But little did he know that his precious little storm was right under his nose. The Scooby Gang had successfully moved her into the Donovan household, making sure she was comfortable and content with her surroundings. She was still confused at the whole situation, and was quite afraid of the mad man who claimed to be her 'brother', but she was managing.

"So what's your favorite color?" Matt asked, trying to make Thora more comfortable.

She was perplexed for a second, trying to remember it. She scanned the room before looking into Matt's eyes and smiling.

"I can't really describe it," She began. "It's like the color of your eyes, but not quite. It's like a perfect mix of that and green... I haven't ever seen it on anything of material value, but for some reason... I can only think of that color. It all just seems so familiar. Like home. But if I'm being honest, I don't quite know where home is, at the moment."

Matt chuckled nervously, knowing exactly what she was referring to. She was talking about the color of the one and only Klaus Mikaelson's eyes. It worried him slightly, but he found it rather commendable and rather cute that even if she had no memory of her husband, she could still picture the color of his eyes perfectly.

"Well, mine is purple." He said, making Thora giggle. "How old are you?"

"I am eighteen winters." She answered with a smile that quickly faded. "...I think."

"What's your favorite activity?" Matt asked again, quickly changing the subject so that she wouldn't start asking questions of her own. "Like, what do you like to do for fun?"

Thora thought about it for a minute again before regaining her dazzling smile.

"I like to look after children." She answered simply. "I look after them while the mothers and fathers of the children are cooking or hunting, keeping them busy with games and whatnot."

"So, like, a teacher?"

"I suppose."

The conversation was sadly cut short when Bonnie walked through the door, looking stressed and tired.

"Woah, there," Matt teased. "Please, come in, Bonnie. How are you?"

"Angry. Frustrated. Confused." Bonnie grumbled, sitting on the couch next to the two, clutching a book to her chest.

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