"As much as I'd love to stay in here and...Play with you, I can't."

"Why not?" I whine.

"Because you have a big night tonight and you should be in the gym working out or something."

"I can work out in a different way." I chuckle.

"And not only that but I've also gotta go do a photo shoot in around an hour. Gotta get ready."

"Fine." I huff. "But in just a few hours, I will be a champion." I smirk. "And the first thing I'm gonna do while I have that belt...Is fuck you while I wear it around my waist."


// Sadie //

"I was just starting to enjoy that blue hair color." I laugh. "But it's good to be back to my natural brown." I tell the hairdresser. She giggles before turning me so that I can face the mirror again. "Yeah brown is a great color on you. I envy you though. You're one of those people that can change their hair to any color and have it look good. Me? I have to stick with natural hair colors like blonde or brown. Even black looks awkward on me."

"Thanks I smile."

"You're welcome. Now, Time for a little trim."

I nod and relax as she begins to work on my hair some more. Before my photo shoot I had to take out my hair dye and go back to my natural brown hair. Can't say I was mad at that, I was starting to miss it.

I'm so excited. I'm gonna get to wear two cool outfits today. And I get to keep the clothes, Which is always great.

"You ready?" The makeup girl, Karen asks. I nod. Let's do this.


I bite my lip, watching as Dean flies through the ropes and into Seth. The match has been going on for a good twenty minutes now, So it should be ending sometime soon.Although I already know the outcome, I'm still pretty anxious. I can't believe my man is going to be a champion in less than a few minutes. I'm so proud of him.

"That looked brutal." Aymie mutters as we watch Dean knee Seth in the face. I nod, A small smile on my face. Seth deserved that knee to his face. He stole food off my plate not very long ago...

"1,2,3!" The ref counts, Hitting the mat. The fans start to cheer loudly as Dean's music blasts from the speakers. Dean stands up and stumbles to one side of the ropes. The ref holds his hand up and then hands him his belt as Lillian Garcia announces "And your new WWE world heavyweight champion, Dean Ambrose!"

I clear my throat and pretend that I'm not about to cry but before I can shed a tear, Aymie beats me too it. "He deserves this so much man!" She sobs. "God damn it, I am so proud!"

"Um...Aymie maybe just calm down-"

"Hell no I will not." She cries. "That man has been working hard as hell for the last few years to get that damn championship and he deserves it so much!"

"Well that's true-"

"He will be back here in just a matter of minutes and if you don't grab his face and kiss the shit out of him, I will!" She warns me, Drying her tears with the back of her hand. I hold my hands up in defense and nod before handing her a near by box of tissues. I'm sure this is just the hormones...I'm hoping this is just the hormones.

She leaves the locker room quickly, Telling me she has to pee and that she wants to give me and Dean privacy. A few minutes later, I see Dean poking his head in. I smile when he walks in and shuts the door behind him.

I run towards him and tackle him in a hug and he laughs at me before kissing my head. "I am so happy!" He yells excitedly. "I'm finally a champion!"

"I'm proud of you, Baby." I smile. "You deserve it. So how do you wanna celebrate?"

"Oh I think you know how." He smirks.

A/N: This is so sucky I'm sorry. But...I've got more ghost stories for you guys because why not?

When me my brother and my sister were home alone one day, A crap ton of shit went down.

I woke up to the sound of banging and running and screaming and honestly...I just assumed it was my damn siblings fighting. So after like five minutes of waiting for it to quiet down, Which it didn't, I decided to go out and yell at them. When I got into the hallway, I didn't see anything, But the noises continued. So I checked in all the rooms and I saw absolutely nothing, And I didn't even bother checking downstairs because the sound was clearly coming from upstairs. So I went into my brother's room and threw a book at his head (Me and him had gotten into an argument the day before and I was still petty) but he still didn't wake up (He is the heaviest sleeper ever. Once, I literally hit a wooden spoon on a frying pan near his ear and he didn't even wake up. Just rolled over.)

So I started jumping on his bed and trying to be as annoying as possible, The noises never stopped mind you, and after a few minutes he woke up. He woke up around the same time that my sister barged in because she was hearing the noises as well. She thought it was us but obviously it wasn't. My brother literally thought we were insane because he wasn't hearing anything.

A couple minutes later we heard a huge bang, Like if a car breaks down, and then everything stopped. After a few minutes of not hearing anything we all kind of just shrugged it off and started getting ready for the day and all that.

A few hours later I get a call from my mom's phone number (Mom and dad were either at work or at the grocery store, I can't really remember but I know it was most likely one of the two.) and so I answer it, Wondering if something is wrong because she never calls when she's at work (We had a neighbor that checked on us so she didn't have to worry about it unless we called her, Plus my dad made sure to call us and then he'd tell her how things were going with us.) So I answer and I hear what sounds like a full on brawl. Like as if somebody was getting into a fight and people were around cheering you know? Like full on WORLD STAR material. And that goes on for around two minutes, I'm calling her name but she isn't answering, I call my brother into the room and tell him to listen and he hears it too. Then a few minutes later it gets super quiet. Like every noise just stops all at once. Then we hear this crazy ass laugh (Sounds like the one that I mentioned in my previous ghost story) and then the line goes dead.

Clearly, It wasn't my mom who called us.

I brush it off (We're all kinda used to this shit now and we are SO over it by the way.) And again, Start to go in with my day and then suddenly I hear this loud, Shrill screech. I run upstairs, With my bro and again it's cold and uncomfortable. We run into my sister's room and she's on her bed, Face down (Ass up...JK) and she's not moving at all. I don't even see her breathing. And I call her name cause I'm confused. I don't know whether some ghosty crap is happening again or if she just saw Justin Bieber on TV...

She doesn't answer, I just hear a loud growling sound. Sounds like a damn dog getting ready to attack your ass. It's not coming from her though. She doesn't move for a while and we're shaking her and trying to get her to say something and she won't.

Then all of a sudden she turns around to lay on her back and she looks like she's trying to talk but she can't. And the first thing I notice is that her eyes are black. (Not the white part. Just her eye color) which is weird because her eyes never change color and usually they're green.

After a while, She starts talking and I see her eyes change back to green right in front of my eyes. She suddenly says "I gotta go to the bathroom" and then she walks out of her room.

A few minutes later she comes back and we're like... "What's going on?"

And she's confused and she's just like "Um idk what you're talking about I've been in the bathroom taking a gigantic dump for like thirty minutes." and first of all I'm like...Too much information. And then all I can think is what the freak.

I assume that she was playing a joke on us. I'm not sure if she was, She still swears up and down that she was taking a dump and my sister is no liar. She sucks at lying actually so she would never be able to keep up the joke/Lie without telling us. But I'm still gonna assume she was playing a joke on us to because that was a terrifying situation and...Yeah.

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