"Wait I..." William walked right through me and I gasped. Oh my god this is another dream. I've been dreaming all along. I'm making up everything. I turned around and saw both of the dark angels hide behind the giant rock looking at Dara. Thank god not me. I'm still bloody naked.

"A flick of light far from the sun." The blond dark angel smirked wickedly as he eyed her up.  She's still oblivious, just singing innocently to the birds while they are watching her like blood thirsty wolves. Well Blondie with a predator look in his eyes but then William simply admired her with curiosity. Then I remembered seeing them kissing. This must be before they met. If I'm not dreaming then I'm either inside a memory or just plain crazy.

Naked and insane.

"Her voice... She sounds as beautiful as she looks." William said and my mouth fell open in awe.

"Another evil temptress." His friend spat. Huh we have another Maulfoy on our hands ladies and gentlemen however I don't think this one is as wimpy.

Will looked at him. He's stronger, he radiates power and fearlessness. It's breathtaking. "I thought we were the evil ones."

"Mm yeah.... But..."

She sang loudly and a giant swan, bigger than a horse swam beside her and knocked her beak against her head. So she laughed and patted the white swan's long neck.

She stopped singing and huffed sitting there in silence for a few moments.

"Attack her now?" Blondie jumped like an excited five year old.

"No." Will dismissed. From the sinking smirk Blondie didn't like the authoratitive tone.

"This dull life I live in." She finally said resting her head in her hand frowning. I leaned on the rock next to William and saw how vulnerable she is at this very moment.


"What do you want to attack her for?!" I snapped at the blonde even though no one can see me or hear me.

"No, Atticus go find the others, say you have a surprise for them."

"Atticus? Ha! You're name is lame!" I yelled out at Atticus as he looked at William confused. But William is taking no notice of him, I can tell he's just fallen for her. NAW!

"But... But Captain."

"Are you questioning me?" William snapped ferociously his teeth suddenly turning into shark teeth. I stepped away from them both then looked over to see Dara who just started singing random notes of a random tune. Birds flew around her and other little creatures decided to pay her a visit.

"No! Of course not. But..." William glared down at Atticus so blondie shrank away then ran off before flying off up into the sky. This side of William is kind of scary but somehow he still manages to look handsome as ever. His face morphed back to normal when he stared back at her. She stood up on the lily pad then turned her head slightly as if she can sense an unwanted presence. Being a light angel, maybe she can. Then she started humming and other lily pads floated her way so she could start walking back to the shore.

"If you're going to go after her you might as well..." I searched for William who just disappeared. Where did he go? I climbed up on top of the rock and saw him leaning against a tree still admiring her behind. She still hasn't noticed him! Every step she took he himself took another step closer to the lake. Animals started scurrying away at the sight of him and the giant swan reacted suddenly flapping its wings up in distress. Dara turned around worried and William hid behind the tree then snuck up behind another one much closer to her.

"Hey what's the matter?" Dara asked the bird and it flew up and away. "What was that?" She asked herself then William flew up right behind her on the lily pad. Keeping his distance but clearly forcing himself to keep his hands at his sides. Dara looked down at her feet then I saw a little glint sparkle in her eyes. She took a deep breath then smiled at herself. And that's when I realised she knows he's there. But she's doing nothing of it... Yet. Ooh this is going to be good. Can you feel excited in a dream? She turned around surprising Will and stood right up to him, her perfect face right at his.

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