Chapter 44- The End? (Epilogue)

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3rd Person POV

The group of friends slowly emerged from the facility, all silent at first in the relief of things being mostly back to normal. Most of the guys were laughing and clapping each other on the back like nothing had ever happened, and Ty had slyly let his hand slide into Samantha's, who smiled and gently squeezed it happily. Seto was scanning the grassy floor, squinting for a moment before wordlessly parting from the group and walking away. The others didn't notice the sorcerer slip away, and he walked around a bush before slowly crouching down.

"Emma?" He called out softly. A moment later, he heard a slight rustling sound, and he looked down to see the little Borrower clamber out of the leaves, staring up at him with wide eyes.

"... oh... y-you're really tall..." She said in a small voice. He smiled a little.

"I'm still a geeky sorcerer who's a bookworm, and keeps true to his promises," He laughed softly, lowering his hand to the forest floor. She glanced dubiously at his hand, then hesitantly climbed onto it, starting to shake.

"I-I really hate being he-held." She piped up as Seto set her down in a well-concealed pocket.

"I'll let you out as soon as we get home." He promised, checking to make sure she was ok before catching back up with the group, pretending he had been there the entire time while the others were cracking up at an argument.

"Adam for the last time, I'm not telling you!" Ty grumbled, laughing.

"NOZ YOU MUST TELL MEH..." He demanded loudly, grabbing Ty by the shoulders and shaking him. Mitch was covering his forehead with one hand, his eyes closed as he too laughed.

"Dood, he's not gonna let up till ya tell him!" He pointed out. Samantha was blushing furiously, and then started running when Adam ran after her.

"TEELLLL ME!!!!" He yelled.

"No!!!" She yelped, hiding behind Jax, who was failing to hold back giggles. Adam dodged past the witch, and then tackled the poor neko to the floor, tickling her after ensuring that she was pinned.

"TELL MEH!!!!" He repeated, dying of laughter as Samantha squealed and tried to shove him off.

"OK OK OK IT'S TRUE IT's TRUE!!!!!" She shouted, making the guys go "Oooohhh...." and the Tinies go "Awww!"

"Oh shut up." Ty mumbled, starting to blush while still grinning like an idiot.

"Kiss kiss kiss!" Wildstar started chanting, the others joining in and diverting their attention from keeping an eye on still-unconscious Johnathan for a brief moment. Adam dragged Samantha over to Ty, and then shoved her. They both glared at the Youtuber, and he folded his arms over his chest, smirking. Then Ty finally sighed before leaning forward and kissing Samantha, catching her off guard before she kissed him back.

"I ship it!" Ian crowed. Jax laughed, and Mitch smiled shyly at her. After they broke the kiss, Samantha immediately pointed at the two.

"Oi, what about them? Can't you make someone else suffer?" She teased. Jax and Mitch both blushed a little, and Jerome snerked.

"Aw, but what about Merome?" He joked. That sent the group into another fit of laughter, and then Jordan snapped his fingers.

"Hey, how about we all go somewhere to eat? Dinner's on me!" He suggested. Jason perked up with interest.

"Prizza?" He asked eagerly, immediately earning a few groans of dismay.


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