Chapter 40- Rescue Me

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Samantha's POV

I felt the sun's warmth bathing my skin as I woke up to the sounds of chirping, feeling a little sore. I slowly sat up, yawning and stretching a little. As I rubbed my eyes to rid them of the sleep, I felt movement in my pocket, and I looked down to see Seto climb out of the pocket to slide down to my thigh, yawning and leaning against me.

"Sleep well?" I croaked. He glanced up at me, yawning again with a small squeak at the end of it that made me smile a little.

"Meh." He shrugged, brushing a stray hair off of his cloak. "I'd sleep a lot better if I didn't feel so cramped." I looked back up to see the sun just fully above the horizon, still morning.

"We gotta save the others, somehow." I asserted out loud, picking Seto up before I stood up, wincing as my muscles protested.

"I still can't use magic." Seto reminded me, squirming around until he was sitting up. I covered my mouth with my other arm as I failed to stifle a yawn.

"... I know, but I did train to survive all of my life." I reminded him, starting to walk forward. I had a pretty good idea where Eric had taken them...

"... The potion." I stopped and looked down at the Sorcerer, who was looking up at me with his eyes wide with realization. "If we get the potion, then we can smuggle them out enough to where we can give them the potion." I tilted my head a little, nodding slowly.

"But... What about the Tinies?" I questioned. He shrugged.

"Them too, and then once everyone's back at home I can conjure up a potion to reverse their effects and get them back to normal." He paused, a disconsolate expression forming over his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He let out a small sigh.

"I don't know if they're ok, especially Jax."

Ty's POV

I growled in irritation when Eric opened the jar, roughly pulling us out and back into the cage one by one. I tried to dodge his hand, but he managed to grab me by the back of my shirt. I jerked around in the air trying to escape his grip, but instead of putting me with the others, he set me down on his thigh, closing the cage door with his free hand.

"Let me go you &*%@#!" I snarled, squirming to try to break free, but he only smirked at me, lifting me back up in the air.

"Now why would I do that?" He purred, setting me down roughly on his hand. I instantly tried to jump off, but he held me back all too easily by curling his fingers around my waist, leaving me to bang ineffectively against his hand. "Hmm, you are a feisty one." I shot him a glare, still trying to struggle. "You'll definitely be perfect." My movements faded as my irritation evaporated to confusion, and I shot a glare back up at him as he walked away from the cage, out into the hallway.

"For what!?" I demanded sharply. He gave me a cold grin, lifting me up to eye level.

"Simple. For bait." Now I was suspicious.

"For. What!?" I repeated, glowering at him.

"For Samantha Verona and Setosorcerer." I widened my eyes as he continued. "Of course they're going to come for you all, especially the Sorcerer for the witch, and Verona..." He poked my square in the chest, making me cringe back sharply and bat his finger away. "... For you." He finished, grinning like a cat that had found mice. He proceeded to walk into a different room, grabbing a transparent box and dropping me into it, making me fall to my knees as he locked it above me.

"You won't get away with this!" I shouted, ramming against the side in a vain attempt to somehow be freed. He glanced back at me with a smirk.

"We already have." Then he shut the door with a click, leaving me alone in the dark. I stared at where the door had once been visible, then groaned and slumped against the side of my confinement in a sitting position.

"... Please don't come." I croaked at the silence. "Don't rescue me Samantha....

... It's a trap."

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