Chapter 28- Life or Death

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I clutched Seto to my chest as I leaped up the stairs, swerving to avoid some of the tinies who had made it to the hallway. I didn't even stop when Kay called out, "Hey Samantha where you going?" And I darted into Mitch's room, skidding to a halt when I saw Kittin and Taiga talking about something.

"Kittin!" I exclaimed, making them both turn at my panicked tone. Kittin's eyes widened.

"Samantha, who's that that...." She trailed off and revealed her wings, flying up to get a better look at the unconscious figure. Right. She can fly. Almost forgot that. She gasped as I shifted my arms to reveal the unconscious Sorcerer, seeing a little bit of blood that had gotten on my skin that had come from Seto's wounds. "Take me and Taiga down to his room." She asserted firmly, fluttering down onto my shoulder. I scooped Taiga up, who muttered, "Honestly, being manhandled by mortal hands?" And I dashed back down the stairs and whisked into Seto's room, ignoring the Tinies' questions of confusion.

"Alright what do you need?" I asked frantically, setting Seto down on a pillow that I had grabbed from his makeshift bed and put it on his desk. Kittin easily slid down my arm and hopped onto the desk beside him, checking his injuries.

"Marigold." I strided to Seto's storage and grabbed a couple of pieces of the herb before coming back. I set it down beside her, and she set to work, Taiga helping out. I was so shaken up that I had to sit down, leaning over an open book as I tried to calm down. Then I noticed what the book was about, and I skimmed it. It was in a completely different language though... It wasn't Spanish, not French, not Bulgarian or even Russian. Was it... Greek? I sighed and went back to my worried brooding, fidgeting nervously as Kittin and Taiga were working hard to keep the Sorcerer alive.

By now, the guys and the Tinies had snuck into the room to see what was wrong when they saw what was going on.

"Is that... Seto!?" Adam exclaimed. I nodded mutely, taking deep shaky breaths as I let my head rest in my hands.

"I-I don't know if-if he's ok or-" I shuddered at the thought of the worst that could happen. How did he even get hurt? How did he even get shrunk? I stayed silent as they made their way over to me, and I picked them all up and moved them to the desk so they could get a better look.

"No. No, no!" Kay wailed, frantically rushing to the Sorcerer's side. Hot guilt washed over me as I watched them panic. I should have stayed with Seto. I should have helped him with the potion, i should have been more careful.

I felt someone gently rest their small hand on my index finger, and I glanced down to see that Ty was patting my hand reassuringly.

"He'll get through this." He assured me quietly. "He'll make it, he'll be ok." I gazed at him for a moment before giving him a nod of gratitude, then looked back to see that Kittin and Taiga had finished.

"Since he has magic in his veins, he should heal quickly." Kittin said quietly. "But the wounds were deep, he somehow got wooden splinters, and his shins are partially shattered. Not only that, but his breathing's off, and there's bruises covering his midriff." She stopped and took a deep breath when Taiga finished quietly.

"If he was a normal mortal, we'd have to prepare for the worst. But he just may have a chance; it's all up to him on if he pulls through."

Seto's POV

I felt like someone dropped me in a cauldron, swirling with darkness and whispers, and voices. Am I dead? I can't be. I'm not, right?

My body was no longer aching, and my bruises and cuts were gone. Confused, I sat up in the void, not even seeing the floor.

"Hello?" I called out, not even breathless like before i had passed out. What even happened before I passed out? I remember teleporting back to the living room, and I had tried to go back to my room when I had realized that my legs hurt too much. Then I had managed to drag myself back, then teleport one more time to on my desk, and then Samantha...

I noticed a small light in the distance, which made me curious. As I got up and started walking, it got bigger and bigger, until I realized that it was coming from a doorway amidst the darkness. It had a sign in front of it, saying, "Choose."

Choose? Choose what? Then my mind clicked. Choose, to live...

Or to die.

I looked back and forth between the light and the dim environment, hesitating. Which way was which though? Going into the light could either mean going to heaven-if you believe in that- or waking up. But the darkness could mean that my soul would be destined to endlessly wander around, never to see the light again, or...

I took a deep breath before walking through the light, my senses dulling as I drifted from consciousness.

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