Chapter 20- Just a Little Fluff, Plus a Scarf or Two... or More

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     I felt light-headed as I clambered up the stairs and made my way to Ty's room, where I was met with a weird yet adorable sight. Seto was sitting on the bed, with his winter scarf in his lap (his scarf is really thick and large), and some of the Tinies lying out cold in its large folds. Adam was nestled in his fluffy brown hair at the top of his head, Jordan out on one shoulder, Mitch on the other, Kay was curled up in the crook of his neck, Taiga and Icicle each against Seto's hands that rested beside him, and Jerome, Kittin and Yumi were lying against his thigh. Everyone except him was asleep. He looked up when he realized I was back.

     "... I don't know what happened." He admitted in a small innocent voice. I softly laughed, seeing his puzzled expression. "Help? Plz?" He asked. I picked up the scarf, keeping it steady so the small figures of my friends wouldn't move or stir awake. He gently picked up Jordan, then Mitch, and then gingerly collected Taiga and Icicle up as well.

     "They're a handful." I commented, carrying the Tinies and the guys that I had already in to my room, setting the scarf carefully on my desk. I went back and gently took Jerome, Taiga and Icicle from Seto's grasp, carrying them to my room and setting them on my pillow. Then I went back to the other room as Seto plucked Adam cautiously off of his head, handing him to me.

     "Nu.... mm...." He mumbled under his breath, turning over on my palm. I smiled and gently pet him on the back of his head as Seto then handed Mitch, Jordan and Kay to me, and I took them as well. Then he sighed, relieved almost.

     "You're right; they are a handful." He murmured, looking at the small two inch tall life forms in my hands. I smiled faintly, nodding slightly.

     "Yeah..." I agreed quietly. Then Seto got up and brushed past me.

     "I'll take care of Ty before I go to bed. You should too since it's midnight."

     "Midnight?" I echoed, blinking in surprise as I glanced at the clock. Sure enough, it was twelve o' one. "Wow." I commented to myself. I walked back to my room, quietly shutting the door with the heel of my foot, and setting Mitch, Jordan, Kay and Adam gently on my bed before withdrawing. I turned my back for a moment, flicking the lamp off on my end table before opening the top drawer and pulling out some more scarves. I pulled out quite a few before I quietly shut the drawer again, going around my furniture and planting two scarves on each end of them, then moving everyone until they had their own scarf. Well, almost everyone. I was short one scarf, which I realized as I set Kay down, holding only Adam still. Oh... what should I do then? I blushed slightly when my mind procured a suggestion, and I sighed quietly. Ah well, better than him freezing to death.

     I took Adam with me and carried him to my bed, moving the covers back before I climbed on the furniture. I felt Adam shift in my grip, and I froze until he went still again, then I gently set him down on the pillow, far away from the edge of the bed since it was in one corner of my room. Then I laid down, my head resting about a foot away from Adam's peaceful sleeping figure. I pulled the covers up until they covered all but his head, and he subconsciously snuggled further under them. I chuckled softly to myself, letting my eyes slide closed.

     I was about to fall asleep after a few minutes when I felt something press against my neck, burrowing itself in the curve of it. Surprised, I peeked through my eyelids and glanced down to see that Adam had moved from where I had set him down, and was leaning against my throat, curled up and already falling back asleep. I smiled and closed my eyes again, pulling the covers up higher, just past my shoulders to still keep him comforted, safe and warm.

    Man, how far I've gone from being a diminutive neko to being a normal sized neko that comforts people my former size... I thought before I slipped from consciousness.

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