Chapter 21- More Feelz

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     "Samaaannthaaaa..." I heard someone drawl, and I felt something lightly tugging on a lock of my bangs.

     "Go back to sleep Adam..." I mumbled, yawning and turning over, forgetting that Adam was smaller than me. He ended up going with me, to the top of my head, and tugged on my hair again.

     "But I caaaaaaannn't..." He whined. I sleepily opened my eyes and tilted my head enough to see the clock, which read three o' clock. I huffed in exasperation, turning over again.

     "... Why not... ?" I grumbled, closing my eyes again. I felt him rap his fist on my forehead, and I dipped my head forward, making him fall off with a yelp and land in front of my face and into the pillow. He collected himself and glared at me.

     "I dunno." He grumbled, sitting down where he stood, sinking into the pillow a little as he folded his arms over his chest and glowered at me. I rolled my eyes in exhaustion, closing them again.

     "Just try..." I murmured, almost falling back asleep when he climbed up on my shoulder.

     "I can't... Can you stay up with me? I don't wanna be all alone. Pleeeeeeeaaaasseee??????" He begged. My eyes slowly opened at his words. "I don't wanna be all alone...." It reminded me of myself, how I felt so long ago, when my parents had first died. It was like I was suddenly swept back in time, imagining a by far smaller, and younger, version of myself, stumbling over tree roots and clutching her necklace to her chest, sobbing. "Why did mother and father have to die?" I had asked myself in a shrill voice. "I wish they were back, and we were still together. I don't want to be by myself, all alone."

     "All right." I heard myself say, slowly.

     "Yay!" I heard Adam chirp, and his sudden movement finally snapped me back into the present as he slid of my shoulder with a childish giggle.

     "Hey." I hissed quietly, catching him. "You gotta stay quiet for a little bit to avoid waking the others, ok?"

     "Ok." He whispered back, energy bright in his eyes despite the dim-lighting. I sat up, picking him up in the process, and slowly climbed out of the bad, pausing only to yawn before quietly opening the door and exiting. I kept him in my grip, right next to the red, yellow and black pendant that I always wore as I crept down the stairs. He immediately perked up when I walked into the living room, spotting the tv, and he pointed to it. I sighed before yawning, knowing what he wanted.

     "All right then," I started, only to be interrupted by another brief yawn. "What do you want to watch?"

*******le time skip of Netflix ^3^*******

     Adam had scrolled through Netflix for awhile by jumping on the buttons until he settled for Naruto. I didn't make any comment as he finally stopped stomping on the buttons, easily climbing up my long sleeve and clambering into my lap. He sat down on my thigh, satisfied as we watched the first few episodes. We had gone through at least ten when I looked down and realized that he had finally fallen asleep, leaning against me. I smiled to myself, gently petting the top of his head, and he mumbled something that sounded like "Eh.... nu..." in his sleep. So adorable... Was this how the guys felt when they saw me and the Tinies? I wondered. Then my mind went further. Was that why Ian didn't react negatively when he first saw me? Maybe.

     I paused Netflix and turned off the tv, looking down at the small figure that was lying against the lower half of my abdomen. I leaned back against the the back support of the couch, yawning. It had been a long day, after all. I rested my hand over Adam's small warm body, offering it as a blanket. He hugged my index finger in his sleep without hesitation, and I smiled at how innocent he seemed. Pity he isn't always like this, I thought before yawning, then leaning the back of my head against the couch, I fell asleep.

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