Chapter 8- Pft, I'm Not Worried at All! (*totally a liar!*)

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Ian's POV

     I peered around the corner, spotting absolutely no one in the hallway. That's odd normally, but this isn't normal at all, when only two people are normal sized and the rest of us are people shrunk down to about the size of someone's freakin' thumb. I did, however, hear voices. Not the mentally insane Derp Ssundee kind of voices, hehehe, but real voices, Samantha and Seto's. But they were all the way downstairs, while I'm stuck upstairs. I sighed. This wasn't going to be easy.

I finally reached the end of the hallway, breathing heavily. Man, I'm getting a workout. I sighed and scratched the back of my head. Even if I did get to the others, how were we going to get back to normal? And who or what even caused this?

I took a deep breath, rolling my shoulders and shifting from side to side. Time for something more than just chin ups.

I jumped up and grabbed one of the vertical railings, then carefully pulled myself up until I was just under the horizontal railing. I sharply inhaled before throwing myself up and managing to snag the ledge of it. I hauled myself over and laid back on it, shivering with adrenaline. The ground was really far down, too far away in my opinion. I wiped the cold sweat off my forehead, still quivering and taking in huge gulpy breaths. I needed to get to the others, fast.

I tried to stand up when pain shot up my leg. I gritted my teeth and slid back down into a sitting position, gripping my knee. I must have strained one of the muscles. Great.

I sighed and rested my head in my hands, feeling helpless. Now I can't go anywhere. How am I suppose to get someone's attention, would anyone even spot me? I doubt it.

"So, Ian, Mitch and Jerome are still missing, and you say Jordan was over as well?" I suddenly went tense, hardly breathing as I recognized who it belonged to. That was Samantha's voice.

"Yeah, but at least we found Adam, Ty and Jason so far, and someone else..." That was Seto's voice, but it sounded a lot closer than Samantha's. Really close in fact...

"Yeah Ian, I'm talking to you." I jerked my head up to face Seto looming over me. I yelled in alarm and backed up in surprise, favoring my good leg. He frowned and noticed this immediately. "How did you get hurt?" He asked in concern, blocking me from falling off the railing by resting his hand behind me. I swallowed hard, a little intimidated by his size compared to mine.

"The uh, th-the climb up here." I stammered, my eyes wide. He gingerly touched my injured leg, re-sparking the pain and making me hiss like a cat.

"Samantha!" Seto called out, looking up from me. She came running into the living room, holding something in her hands. I realized it was Ty as she came over.

"You found Ian!" She exclaimed. "Thank God! But-but how did he even get up here?" She set Ty down next to me and started talking to Seto, who explained to her that I was injured. Meanwhile Ty glanced over at me.

"You ok?" He asked, nodding at me to make sure he got my attention. I rolled my eyes and held back a sharp retort.

"I pulled my leg's muscles, but I guess I'm in good hands now." I sighed. Then I looked around, remembering Seto's words. "Where's Adam and Jason anyway?"

"As soon as I saw you, I put them on the coffee table." Seto answered, overhearing me. Samantha cupped her hands around me and picked me up carefully, as if she was handling a fragile object that would break at the slightest sharp movement.

"Don't worry, I won't drop you." She assured me as I peered over the edge of her hand to see how far the ground seemed.

"I'm not worried." I lied.

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