Chapter 41- Misión imposible

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"This feels like Mission Impossible." I murmured, staying crouched as I waited for the guard to walk away.

"Oh, hahaha, yeah I see it." Seto joked, snerking. I rolled my eyes and darted forward, hearing him yelp in surprise as I was quickly leaping up and scaling the wall before pulling myself over the edge. "Geez Samantha, warn me next time!" He groused quietly, making me snicker as I peered through the tinted windows for an empty one.

"How about that one?" I suggested, pointing to one. Seto hopped out of my pocket and landed on the window, peering through it as well.

"Yeah." I took a deep breath, taking a few steps back as Seto scuttled out of the way, and then I jumped up onto it, letting myself land heavily. The glass broke, and the alarms went off as I grabbed the edge, pulling myself up partway to Seto leaning against the flagpole.

"Samantha quit hanging around we got work to do!" He teased. I rolled my eyes and snatched him up before letting go, and we dropped to the floor.

"You can pun-ish me when we get back." I mumbled, letting my eyes adjust to the dark.

"Eggs-ellent." I had to bite my tongue hard to not laugh as I glanced at a cage in the middle of the room.

"Hello?" I called out softly. I put Seto down on the floor, and I walked over to the idle furniture, hearing quiet crying. "Hey, it's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." I murmured, tilting my head. "I'm just like you. I'm different. I used to be Borrower size, as a neko, but a friend of mine helped me change. I can get you outta here." The crying stopped, and I spotted purple eyes gleaming in the darkness. It was a young teenager, a Borrower. "What's your name?" I asked in a soft tone, crouching down to look less imitating. The little girl blinked before timidly replying.

"E-Emma." She squeaked, quivering. I gave her a small smile before grabbing a paperclip out of my pocket and picking at the lock. After a minute, I heard a click, and the cage door was opened.

"Look, I know you're not gonna like this, but in order for me to get you out of here, I'm gonna have to pick you up." I said quietly. Emma's eyes widened in fear, and she backed away.

"N-no... Pl-please..." She whimpered.

"I promise I won't hurt you, and I promise I'll let you go, but it's either that or stay here and be tortured." I gently persisted. She blinked owlishly, brushing her orange hair out of her face, and then hesitantly nodded in slight jerks, whimpering. "It's ok." I coaxed her out of the cage, and then I gently picked her up. She obviously hadn't eaten anything in a long while, she was so light and thin.

"Samantha!" I whirled around in time to duck a guard's punch, and I held the tiny Borrower in my hands tightly as I did a sweeping kick, making him fall and get knocked out. My gaze sought out Seto, and I spotted him in the corner of the room, breathing heavily.

"Are you alright?" I asked, striding over to him and crouching down. He blinked a few times before nodding.

"Y-yeah I'm good..." Then he sighed and looked up. "Is she ok?" He questioned. I glanced down at Emma, who was hugging my index desperately, as if her life depended on it.

"... She hates being carried." I replied. I set her down next to Seto, and she shivered, backing away from me and clinging to Seto's cloak.

"Hey. Hey, it's ok." He assured her. "We're gonna get outta here, alright?" She nodded shyly, hugging his arm.

"Seto keep hidden and keep her safe, I'm gonna go find the others." I asserted before getting up and leaving the room. I glanced about the hallways, seeing no one. Room by room, I checked them, not seeing any of my friends. Where were they?

As I approached the last hall, I suddenly got tripped, and I did a front flip, almost not landing on my feet.

"Ya know, it's true that cats always land on their feet apparently." A voice drawled. I stiffened, remaining still before slowly turning around.

"Brayden." I said curtly. He didn't bat an eye.

"Samantha Verona." He greeted. "I remember when I last saw you, you were a helpless little creature, tortured by Eric. And now, here we are again, face to face for the fourth time." I glowered at him.

"What do you want, why-why are you doing all of this?" I snapped. He shrugged. "Mostly for money. Texas doesn't pay too well for me, ya know?" I scoffed.

"If it's like Arizona, then sure." I grunted. "Now get out of my way before you get hurt." Instead of moving, he stepped closer to me, inches away from me.

"You know I can't do that." He said softly. "You are too vital for the Boss' success."

"Then you know what I have to do." I said sullenly. He nodded.

"Defeat me, and I'll let you pass."

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