Chapter 22- Waking Up

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"Aww, this is so cute!"

     "Hush Silverstreamcat, they're still asleep, don't wake them!"

     "B-but I can't help it! They look so cute together!"

     "Hehe, don't worry, I took a picture." A picture? Of what? I tilted my head slightly, stirring.

     "Uh oh, she's waking up! Run Seto run!" I finally opened my eyes, tilting my head forward and blinking a few times before seeing properly, in time to see Seto darting up the stairs. Well that wasn't weird at all, I thought sarcastically, yawning and rubbing my eyes sleepily, then I remembered what had happened last night. Wait, where's Adam?

     I looked down to see him snuggled against my side, like a child sleeping against its mother. My tiredness faded into affection as I remembered what I had reviewed before I'd fallen asleep.

     "So adorable... Was this how the guys felt when they saw me and the Tinies?"

     I smiled and laid back down, not wanting to disturb the tiny figure at my side. Then I remembered that Seto had mentioned taking a picture. I quickly covered Adam's sleeping figure before shouting:



     "GET DOWN HERE!!!!"

     "NO WAY!!!!!" I growled quietly, knowing that he wouldn't come down, but I couldn't move from my spot. Then Adam stirred under my hand, yawning and lightly pressing his small hands against my flank.

     "What's with all the yelling?" He mumbled in a congested-like tone, groggy.

     "Ah... Seto took a picture of us sleeping together." I explained quickly, blushing at how awkward the sentence sounded. He widened his eyes, despite the sleepiness that was filmed over them.

     "What!?" He exclaimed, looking embarrassed. I let him shift away from me before I got up and galloped up the stairs, running into Ty's room.

     "AHA!!!!!" I shouted, making Seto start in surprise. I immediately tackled him, sending him craching to the floor.

     "Ah!" He exclaimed, laughing as I pinned him to the floor. I started tickling him in the sides, making him squirm under me.

     "GIMME DA PHONE!!!!!" I demanded, also laughing.



     "Nu!" He managed to throw me off, then he pinned me to the floor, tickling me.

     "Ah!" I squealed, trying to get out from under him. Finally, we both stopped, just lying on the ground and not moving. "Where's the *wheeze* camera?" I asked. He shrugged, smirking faintly.

     "Dunno, I gave it to Wildstar." I groaned good-humouredly, lying my head back on the floor.

     "Hahaha, yeah that's it, give up." Seto teased, petting my head and messing with my cat ears before letting me up.

     "Har de har har." I grumbled, fixing my hair and finally spotting the others on the desk, watching our every moves with wide eyes.

     "That was hilarious!" Jason chortled, laughing hard. Kittin was holding her sides, shaking with laughter. So were the others. At first I was confused, then I imagined it from their point of view, and I started chuckling, which turned into a cheerful laughter. Seto joined in, chuckling kind-heartedly as he realized the humor in the situation.

     "All right, you can keep the picture." I gave in, grinning. He smiled back.

     "Don't worry, I'll say it was photo-shopped." I rolled my eyes and messed up his hair before jumping to my feet and dashing away from him, then slowed and went down the stairs to fetch Adam. But when I approached the couch, I realized that he wasn't there any more. Oh God, please tell me I didn't step on him! I glanced around in a brief panicked frenzy before going into the kitchen to see if he was in there, which I highly doubted.

     To my surprise, he was in there all right, and the further more flabbergast me, he was clinging for dear life and the fridge's handle.

     "Adam!" I gasped, quickly putting my hands under him so he wouldn't fall to his death. He hesitantly let go and slid onto my waiting hands, glowering up at me. "What were you doing- how did you-?" I sputtered in confusion, both angry at him and scared for his well being.

     "... I wanted pancakes." He admitted in a small voice, shrinking under my stern gaze. I realized that I was shaking, and I managed to stop myself from trembling as my harsh glare faded. He was probably scared enough with out me goading him to feel worse.

     "All right..." I replied in a slow, clear voice. "Next time can you please wait for me or Seto?" He perked up a little bit, probably glad that I wasn't mad at him anymore.

     "Ok." I carefully set him down on the counter before I got to work on fulfilling his craving, and he even tried to help here and there. Finally, as soon as the pancakes were ready, Seto came down with Kyleen and Yumi securely in each of his hands.

     "Pancakes, eh?" He asked, setting the two Tinies in his hands next to Adam, who was already stuffing his face with a pancake. I chuckled, nodding.

     "Yap." I chirped, getting a few plates out of the corner cabinet as Seto disappeared, returning from upstairs with more of the Tinies and repeating the path until everyone was in the dining room.

     "Yoshi." I yipped in his ear to be random, before scampering away from him. He made a sad face at me.

     "Aw, I thought I was the only who did that." Then we both started laughing.

     "Hey, mortals, if you two are done, I am famished, and I wanna eat these ambrosial smelling pancakes." Icicle snapped.

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