15. Out with The Boys

Start from the beginning

‘Hot chocolate if you’re making any.’

He nods and goes about boiling the kettle and fetching us a mug each. Over breakfast, my parents make it clear how happy they are to see Ozzy again and he equally shares the same emotion. I realise it’s not just me who he loves, but he loves my family to and its equally returned. Apart from a couple of tense moments I’ve seen between my mum and Ozzy after my fall and the tattoo incident, it seems like they all get along really well.

Breakfast passes by slowly, all of us filling up on as much food as we can. We don't leave the table immediately, all of us choosing to sit at the table and talk. Ozzy's hand has made t's way to my bare thigh and neither of my parents seems to have noticed. It causes me to smile at the intimacy and how open Ozzy is about his love for me. We can't delay packing any longer, so both of us trudge upstairs to pack for uni.

After showering, of which we did separately I might add, we both take a break from working and take Pansy for a walk. We offered for Eleanor to join us, but she declined. Walking hand in hand, we take a twenty minute walk up to the River Thames to walk down and grab some lunch from a street vendor, a falafel dish for me and a traditional hot dog with all the trimmings for Ozzy.

We actually have the best afternoon. We manage to talk to each other about different things, planning forward rather than looking back and acting like a couple would do; holding hands, with occasional kisses and talking.  

After the walk, the day breezes by and it’s not long before we’re heading on the train back to uni. Ozzy is reading his notes beside me as I’m working on a few annotation sketches and how I plan to design them. This weekend together feels like we’ve made a bit more progress with one another, and I think the feeling is mutual.

We walk back hand in hand towards our flats, with Ozzy going that extra way to drop me off first. As we stand at the bottom of the halls, he leans down and swiftly presses his lips to mine, ignoring the passersby.

‘Good luck with your exam tomorrow. Try and cram some more revision in tonight, okay?’ I tell him, almost protectively. I really want Ozzy to do well. I’ve unavoidably turned his life upside down these past two months and I wouldn’t want me to be responsible for a bunch of bad marks on his test.

‘I will.’ He presses a final kiss to my lips, before watching me head up. ‘Love you, baby.’


I don’t have any lessons on Monday, so I spent the day with Blake and Delaney, as all the boys in the flat are either doing tests or revision at the library. Thankfully, it’s not long before I am getting ready to join Leon for the evening as my bit of fun and treat for the day.

As I apply a nude lipstick, my phone buzzes brightly beside me.

Exam is done and dusted! Want to come over and celebrate? Xxx (Sent 6:27pm)

I look down at the message from Ozzy and remember that I haven’t told him I’m already busy.

Sorry Oz, I’ve already made plans. Would tomorrow night be okay instead? Xxx (Sent 6:32pm)

A few minutes later, he responds.

Yeah, that’s fine, Immy. Have a nice evening, :) Xxx (Sent 6:35pm)

Twenty minutes later and I’m heading out the door. Smiling, I wave at Leon as he approaches the bottom of my flat. He’s dressed up casually and looks rather handsome. His eyes widen a little as he gives my body the once over, before he leans in to give me a hug and I accept it, feeling my cheeks lift into a smile.

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