Chapter Seven- The Killing

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Another One Direction I love them I'm never too old for them.

   'So are you the only werewolf in the family.' Jason asked with a bit of relief  laced in his voice. I guess he was actually okay with it.

 ' Actually no most of my family, exclude my father since he had during an attack. But we were only suppose to tell those we trust. And I trust you guys with this.' I explained.

 'Don't worry about it it's safe with us.' Tony told me.

 ' So alpha why are we here?'Harry and Niall asked in unison. I swear I always wonder if their fraternal twins are something.

 ' Well we have a mission to accomplish.' I said with a grin spread on my face. They all looked at each other with wondering expressions on their faces.

 'One of my friends family was murdered and we are gonna take down the gang that is related to their killers. So you guys in?' I turned around to get a response.

 ' Oh of course we would love to help a friend.' Louis said with a happy grin.

 ' Yes definitely' Zayn continued.

 'So where can this gang be found?' Liam asked.

   I turned to look at Jason and the other gang members who also have the same expression as the others.

   ' Their hide out is just a three hour drive from here.' Jason replied.

  ' So okay here's the plan.' Jason said.

  * Jason POV*

   ' Tony your in charge of the first group. Mark,Asia,Dominique and Seth grab your weapons.' I told and they did as told immediately. I honestly can't believe were doing this. Oneika and James must have been good friends if she's willing to kill an entire gang for him. And not to mention her. Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall seems cool. Especially since Harry have been watching Elizabeth. He likes her. Who knows maybe she's his mate. They would make a great couple. Oh my God I sound like a bitch right now.

 Snap out of it Jason

    'Elizabeth your in charge of the second group. Noah, David, Joshua, Denis grab your weapons and be prepare.' They did as told.

  ' Oneika your _' I was cut off by her.

  * Oneika POV*

  ' Were running there.' I told Jason.

  'What?Why?' Jason asked in a serious tone.

  ' Well since I'ma werewolf I have super speed. But I'll ensure you guys have protection. Each wolf has a protective shield. When a wolf is with you nothing or no one will be able to touch you. Zayn and Liam your with Tony's group and Harry and Snow your with Elizabeth's group. Niall, Louis, Amber  you guys come with me.'

  ' Are you sure you'll be okay?' Jason asked. 

 I went up to him and did something I never thought I would do. I kissed him full on the lips. For that time butterflies in me started dancing wildly inside me.

  ' I will be okay' I told him as I leaned my forehead against his. He nodded and with that he left.

  ' Sonny go with Jason.' I instructed.

 ' Let the killing begin' Harry stated with his grin that always show his dimples.

 We transformed once more and left.

 Three and a half later

  When we got their members from my pack have already killed five men and cleaned up. After that has been finish. We made our way inside to see the others held up at gun point. The members from the other gang did not notice our entry only ours. We took the advantage and took down six more men. That was so easy and I thought it would have been hard but I guess wrong.

  * Jason POV*


  I stood there held on gun point by the other gang members. I thought was gonna go wrong but we took down their guards very easy. Mt thoughts were interrupted when I saw my baby slowly appeared inside with the rest from her pack. I watched as they took down six more gang members. I swear I'm madly in love with this girl. I was a player, but this girl makes me wanna change. When her lips was smashed against mine. I felt everything inside me erupted I always heard rumors that when you kiss the one you truly love those stuff would happen I didn't believe in that stuff. But she proved me wrong once more. That shitty stuff actually happen.

 I really love her more than everything.

  I'm not even sure if she feels the same.

  Suddenly the door burst open releasing a very pissed off Antonio.

  * Oneika POV*

  Antonio wrapped his arms around my neck trying to strangle me. Instead of worrying. I laughed this bitch actually thinks I'm gonna go easy on him. He squeezed my neck tighter than before.

 " Stop the laughing you idiotic bitch and mind I kill you slowly and painful." He whispered.

 ' First of all I'm not the one who gave birth to your low life sorry ass. The only bitch in that case would have been your f****** up mother you ass hole.' I said with venom laced in my voice. Everyone stared at me frightened by my little comments I made. With that I flipped upside down and landed behind him. So now he was in my position earlier.

 ' Secondly no one calls me a bitch' I said slowly. As I kicked his foot  forward and ripped his head off.

 ' No messes with my friend.' I said.

  * Jason POV*

 I watched as she ripped his head off. 

 ' No one messes with my friend' She said.

  Now I was shock. She was fearless even in the most dangerous situation. She handles her self easily. This girl was definitely death to me.

  ' Pshhh she's done worst than that.' Harry, Niall and Zayn said as they laughed. 

Hey guys I hope you guys love this chapter I tried my absolute best to try and imagine  fight scene that consist of a werewolf. I love you guys enjoy the rest. Love you xoxoxo. Enjoy

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