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When Alessio arrived at the cafe where he had grown accustomed to seeing Emma, he was met with an unsettling emptiness. Her usual spot in the corner, where she was often absorbed in her book or her art, was vacant. He glanced around the cafe, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, but there was no sign of her.

Concerned, he pulled out his phone and tried calling her, but there was no response. The growing worry in his chest urged him to act quickly. He dialed his bodyguard, who was always on top of their assignments and had a thorough understanding of Emma's routine.

"Find out where Emma is," Alessio instructed firmly. "She's not at the cafe, and she's not answering her phone."

The bodyguard, understanding the urgency in Alessio's tone, immediately set out to locate Emma. As Alessio waited, his thoughts raced with concern for her well-being. His mind was filled with worries about her safety, especially given how she had been struggling with her past and her emotional state.

After what seemed like an eternity, his bodyguard returned with an update. "Mr. Moretti, I've checked around and found out that Emma has been keeping to herself recently. She hasn't been answering her phone because she's been avoiding social interaction. She's been spending most of her time at home."

Alessio's worry deepened. He felt a surge of protective instinct towards Emma, a desire to make sure she was okay and to offer her support. "Thank you. I need to see her. I'll go to her place."

Determined, Alessio made his way to Emma's home. His mind was a whirlwind of concern and empathy. He knew she had been through a lot, and her sudden disappearance from her usual spots only heightened his anxiety. His aim was to be there for her, to offer his presence and support, and to make sure she knew she wasn't alone.

When Alessio arrived at Emma's residence, he was greeted by her bodyguard, who was stationed outside. His concern was evident in his voice as he approached the bodyguard.

"I need to know why Emma has suddenly become so reclusive," Alessio said, his tone urgent yet gentle. "She's not at the cafe, she's not answering her phone, and she hasn't been around as usual. What's going on?"

The bodyguard, sensing the gravity of the situation, looked at Alessio with a mixture of sympathy and professionalism. "Mr. Moretti, Emma has been dealing with some personal issues lately. Her parents visited her recently, and it wasn't a pleasant encounter. They caused her a lot of emotional distress. Since then, she's been retreating more into herself, avoiding social interactions and shutting herself off from others. She's been spending most of her time at home, drawing and keeping to herself."

Alessio's eyes softened with understanding. "I see. So, this is about her family and the pain they've caused her. She's isolating herself as a way to cope."

The bodyguard nodded. "Yes, and she hasn't been in the best place emotionally. She's been overwhelmed and prefers to stay alone."

Alessio took a deep breath, trying to process the information. "Thank you for letting me know. I need to speak with her, to let her know I'm here for her. I want to offer my support and show her that she's not alone in this."

The bodyguard nodded in agreement. "I'll let her know you're here. Just be gentle with her. She's been through a lot."

With that, Alessio made his way to Emma's front door, his heart heavy with concern but also filled with resolve to be there for her.

When Alessio arrived at Emma's home and was greeted by Emily, he was struck by the stark contrast between the vibrant, lively woman he had come to know and the deeply withdrawn figure he now faced. Emily's face bore a mixture of worry and resignation, and as she led him inside, Alessio could feel the tension in the air.

Forever DearestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon