I shooed them away and put my finger near my face warning them to stay silent.

Jinhee now sat on a stool waiting for my next move.

"So what do you want me to do now? Cuz if you want me to leave, then I'm not going. I haven't been with you for ages."

I begged the boys' eyes for answers, but they all shrugged a clueless response.

I began to stutter out all my excuses, but none made any sense and every word that came out of me screamed out, 'I'M LYING!'

Closing my eyes I continued to stutter.

I was so close to telling her the truth when one of the boys stepped up and said, "I'll accompany her for today."

All heads shifted from the member's direction.

He grabbed Jinhee's hand and rushed out of the room leaving the members and I dumbfounded.

(Jinhee's POV)

What is this person doing?

No! I wanna stay with my Minhye! I yanked my hands away from the person, but he quickly rebounded and grabbed my wrist once again, but harder.

"Who are you anyway!" My hands made it to my blindfold, but the person also grabbed my remaining free hand now locking it together like handcuffs.

Pull, push, resist. None worked out to create my grand escape, so I gave up and submitted to the unknown person.

A few minutes later the person sat me down, still holding my two wrists.

"I'm a friend of Minhye, and she really needs you to behave for the time being." He said.

I sighed, "Then why can't I take off my blindfold?"

He let go of my wrist as I massaged it and with him assuming that I won't escape. I probably won't.

I felt the seat next to me sink.

"So why can't I take my blindfold off?" I once again repeated.

In a low voice he answered, "Cuz I'm a monster..." an eerie silence sat in between us, but he broke it and continued, "My appearance is not a pretty sight to see. So I would like to ask you to keep it on, so that I can be myself during my time with you."

His words managed to convince me, "I guess I'll have to keep it on then. I mean I really wouldn't mind, but if you insist."

My seat shifted once again and all I heard were footsteps, clanking, thumping, and thudding.

The unknown person disappeared from my side, but I felt his presence.

It didn't take long for me to find out that he was actually cooking something.

A trail of cocoa and a dash of vanilla danced its way to my nose.

I tried asking him questions, but all were ignored and silenced by the fierce sound of a whisk against a metallic bowl.

That lasted for a few minutes, but after a while I expected it to stop, but it continued.

I had to do something.

I felt my knees buckle as I tried to blindly stand up; Both my arms stretched out instinctively searching for something to lean on. The whisking stopped as a hand quickly rushed to reach out to support me.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

I continued to use him for support as my fingers pointed to wherever.

Tutoring EXO ( EXO fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now