"Yeah, Fine." I shrug, Standing up from the table slowly. I groan before making my way over to the fridge slowly to get a bottle of water. "I need an aspirin." I mutter to myself.

"You are so exhausted and stressed..." She sighs. "You know, This is my last week here on tour with you...Why don't you and I spend a nice girl's day out, Hm? On my birthday." She smiles widely. "We can get massages, We can get mani pedis, Go shopping, Do all that stuff. It'll be great. It's all I want."

"That does sound good. I can book a spa day for us." I smile. "Always wanted to try a mud bath..."

"Yeah." She smirks. "It'll just be a relaxation day. No men for a while, No drama, No arguments and ass kicking." She giggles. "It'll be so cool."

"Sounds like a great idea." I smirk.

I smile softly at Dean as he talks away about something that I don't even understand. He was talking about food just s minute ago but then I zoned out and when I zoned back in he was talking about how to kill a wolf or something illegal like that.

Wait,Is it illegal to kill a wolf? I'd imagine so...Who knows.

I slowly swirl my straw around in my drink and look past his head,Noticing how the sun is shining in what seems to be just one single spot.

I really wish I could just shove everything Renee said out of my head and move on with my life. I hate to admit it but her words really got to me. Are there things that he's not telling me? Does he not want me to know about their past? Some things are too personal to speak about with someone other than the person that the things happened with. But...I don't know. We're engaged now for godness sake. I just feel like we should be telling each other everything.

Maybe I should start it off. There are a lot of things that I haven't told Dean about my past. He knows about my abusive ex but he doesn't know everything I feel he should. He doesn't know about...my dad.

I still have secrets of my own. I should open up to him more. I just feel so pressured because...I don't know. We're engaged now so I just automatically assume that we should kick out relationship up a notch. Like...we need to be more open with one another. I just feel like whatever secrets we have,we should just lay them all out on the table.


"What?" I ask,Looking at his face. He looks worried. "You weren't paying any attention. I called your name like four times." He tells me.

"Oh...I'm sorry." I mumble,Sighing a little. "I'm sorry I should be paying you more attention. I'm sorry-"

"Hey no,It's fine. I was just telling you about the time I made a car explode anyways." He shrugs.

"Wha- I thought you killed a wolf-Never mind." I shake my head.

"Are you alright? You seem out of it. Are you stressed about something? Is it your job? If they're over working you I can have a talk with them..."

"No no,It's not my job. I'm fine." I smile. He tilts his head and narrows his eyes at me. "Tell me the truth." He says sternly.

"I uhm,I talked to Renee yesterday." I shrug. "Fucking shit." He grumbles. "I swear to god I don't hit women but that bitch makes me wanna punch her in the throat."

"No throat punching,Please." I giggle slightly. "It's just...god this is stupid." I shake my head.

"Nothing you say will ever be stupid to me." He smiles. "Tell me what's bothering you."

"She was telling me about your past kind of...She was telling me she still loves you and blah blah blah. Then she was telling me that you guys have a history together. And that there are things about your relationship that I still don't know about..."

"That's true." He sighs. "That bothers you,Doesn't it?"

"I wish it didn't." I admit. "Im sorry I'm just a bit curious and...You don't have to tell me a thing. I understand if you just wanna keep what you and Renee had between,Well,You and Renee." I smile softly.

"My past is hard to talk about." He shrugs. "A lot of things happened and I honestly rather not go back to the time where me and Renee were a thing...But it's important that you know about the things that happened."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"This is bothering you so much. I want you to be okay with our relationship. And being completely open and honest with each other is much needed. Yeah I wanna tell you everything." He smiles.

"I have stuff to tell you too if that makes you feel any better." I say.

"Alright...Well how about me and you go up to our hotel room and talk about all of this." He suggests. I nod.

He stands up and holds his hand out so that I can grab it. I do and stand up as well. We start to walk towards the elevator and I sigh a little.

Everything will be out in the open soon.

You get too close (Dean)Where stories live. Discover now