Chapter Fifty-Three

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It's Christmas Eve for those who celebrate it c: have a wonderful day *but this might ruin your day ahhh oops*


What is something you want for Christmas? If you don't celebrate Christmas, what's something you want in general?

my answer

For Christmas I wanted to get these pair of Converse high-top sneakers. They had Cat-woman from Batman on them. And a chest binder.

Comment your answer below c:

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Scott's POV

"So he randomly started coughing up blood?" I nodded. "But that doesn't make any sense," he mumbled, biting his lip. "I'm no doctor, but that can't just happen. Has he been coughing a lot recently?"

"Not that I've seen. You've been around him more than I have."

"Now that you mention it, he was coughing a bit the last few times I've seen him. Dammit," he said and started picking at his lip.

"Stop picking at your lip, you're gonna make it bleed," I said, lightly pressing on his hand to make him put his hand down.

"Sorry. It's a habit," he chuckled nervously.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." The door opened almost immediately.

"Hello," a man greeted us. He was tall, shorter than me, but still tall. He looked about 30 and he had light brown shaggy hair and he was a brown color. Perhaps he was mixed? "I'm Mitchell's doctor, Dr. Issa-Bazzi, and who might you two be?"

"I'm Jayden Patrick, Mitch's boyfriend," Jayden told him. The doctor then looked at me.

"I'm, uh, Scott Hoying, Mitch's best friend..." He looked at me disapprovingly.

"Jayden, how long have you known Mitchell?"

"Um, a few months?"

"And Scott?"

"Oh, like..." I buzzed my lips trying to think of the number. "Over 10 years? Sounds about right." His eyes widened. So did Jayden's?

"Well, is his family coming?" They both looked at me. I shook my head.

"They're in Texas, they said they'll only come down if it's something serious."

"Tell them to come down," he told me.

"How serious is it?" He looked at the ground, sighing.

"What is it," Jayden asked.

The doctor grabbed a chair and sat down, facing us.

"I usually have trouble telling family this, and I hate doing it myself. But, I will in this case," he paused and sighed. "He, he has cancer. Lung cancer."

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