Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Who's your favorite character in the story so far?

my answer

I would have to say I still love Jayden, but of the characters who appear more, I love Alex. I love Alex as a person outside of the story, and I love how I'm making his character so much different than he really is. But my all time favorite will be Jayden.

Comment how your answer below c:

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Mitch's POV

So, in less than a week, it was time for our date. Alex, Scott, and I all went out to get stuff for Jayden and I's date. We bought cute little table cloths, and cute little napkins. We got food to cook, well for Alex to cook. And Scott is going to help him! How cute is that!!!!!!!

"Mitch, what is Jayden allergic to?"

"Um... I have no clue..."

"Well damn Mitch, some boyfriend you are," Scott said, rolling his eyes. Ouch.

"Hey I'm a good bo-"

"They aren't official yet, Scott. Cut him some slack," Alex defended me, hitting Scott's arm lightly. Scott and I looked at each other, then to Alex. "What? I hear some of the things that are said," he said, crossing his arms and looking down a bit.

"Well, either way, true. He and I aren't official yet. I hope we will be soon."

"Do you really wish that?" I stared at Alex, shocked at what he just asked. "I mean you're so young. He's probably not the one, ya know? And isn't he a she?" I straightened up. "What?"

"He is a he. Not a she. That is the end of the story. He is a boy, he's always been a boy, will forever be a boy. And I'll never love him less," I spat, glaring at him.

"He has a vagin-" I slapped him. He grabbed his face where I slapped him.

"No," I scolded him. "He is male. Don't you dare talk badly about him."

"Mitch, Jesus! No need to slap him," Scott yelled at me. I glared at him too, even worse. "I... fine. But I doubt Alex will be willing to help, now that you've slapped him."

"No no, I promised I'd help. I just might poison your damn food," he gave me a look of hatred. "Or worse." He gave me a short wink, that Scott didn't see.

I hate him so much. He can't continue to tease me if he's with Scott, and now that I'm with Jayden, and he's helping us! Ugh!

"Go away. Don't help us. I'll just try to cook for him."

"And poison him yourself?" He raised an eyebrow, removing his hand form his face. There was a big red mark.

"Better I kill him, than you. Because you have, an ulterior motive."

"A what?" My eyes widened because I forgot about Scott.

"Nothing," I said quickly, grabbing a hold of the cart and walking away quickly.

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