ch. 23

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hey fam let me know how you feel about this chapTER IM BACK OK


autumn's pov:

"please, baby! i'm sorry, it was a mistake. it won't happen again!" i cried, begging for chandler's approval. but he wasn't having it. he loved me, that part was still well known, but he couldn't stand the fact i had let him die to be with the love of my past life.

"jesus, autumn. i can't handle you anymore," he growled, pushing me down against the bed, showing no signs but anger.

"you do whatever you fucking please, and i'm sick of it. you're mine, i own you! you're my property and you do as i fucking say. you don't make the rules, i do." he hissed, pulling my hair so tightly i heard it rip. as scared as i should be, i was also extremely turned on. i gulped, feeling the pain from his torment build up.

he scratched my arms, kicked me down, and laughed. he was enjoying this, and i had to let him. i had gone against his rules, and i had to be punished. "chandler, please," i groaned, feeling the pain inside my stomach. i couldn't move, it was much too painful.

chandler laughed and picked me up, throwing me back down without a care. he undressed us both, and i knew exactly where this was heading. i smirked and bit my lip, forgetting about the pain that overwhelmed me.

"don't you dare fucking smile," he demanded, tying my hands to the headboard, seeing as we were now on the bed. "this is for my pleasure. not yours. you don't make a sound unless i fucking ask you to. if you do, well, you know what will happen." he laughed, pushing a gag inside my mouth. i has never been as turned on as i was right now.

he strapped the rest of my legs to the end of the bed, tying my stomach down as well. i know i was in a hell of a night, one in which i would have to pretend not to enjoy.


"fuck, autumn," he groaned, pulling me closer to him. "good thing we can't create a living creature, because tonight just went on and on," he smirked, twirling a strand of my hair in his hand. he was no longer mad, to my delight. he had learned to take his anger out on me, and i found it better than him harming himself or doing stupid shit like killing an entire timesquare. suddenly, his words struck me hard.

"what? we can't h-have kids?" i gulped, feeling like i was going to faint. ever since i was a little girl, i thought i would be living the american dream by becoming a makeup artist and having a family with a husband and one perfect baby boy. i had figured the day i met chandler i lost option one. me working was just out the question, and that's just how life came to be. but the work i could live without. as of now, chandler was just my boyfriend (although i saw that changing in the near future), and we had no children. no, scratch that, we couldn't have children.

he nodded in response to my concern, not wanting to go into greater detail on this topic. i wasn't having it. "what the fuck do you mean? that's all i want in life! i want to be a grown woman with you as my husband with one amazing little boy! don't tell me you've taken that away from me forever." i teared up, hoping chandler was just pranking me. he had always been careful during sex, but he hadn't tonight.

"i haven't, baby girl. it's still possible, i just don't want kids. there's nothing more i want than to be with you, forever and ever. alone. i'm not capable of love for another being, and i don't want to be." he sighed, kissing down my shoulder. he was irritating me with his his selfishness, and i couldn't live the rest of my life with someone like that. then again, i was his property and he was doing what was best for me. i ignored the subject completely, not wanting to get into further detail.

throughout the next week, i had missed my period, felt horribly sick, and wasn't able to get out of side, chandler accompanying me by my side. he was taking care of me, flipping his shit because he thought i was ill, but i had a feeling it was something more than sickness. we had jinxed it.

my suspicions were proven to be true the day i took the test, (something that wasn't exactly easy to find, but it was in destiny's pocket the day we killed her. i didn't need it at the time, but i knew it would come in handy one day because chandler would never buy me one), and i had trouble keeping myself together.

chandler became even more worried for my wellbeing, although i was completely fine. the hardest part would be letting him know i was pregnant with the child he never wanted to have.

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