ch. 2

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autumn's pov:

i woke up with the most annoying headache. this time, not from being hungover.

i slowly opened my eyes to see a dark figure standing over me, waiting to see my next move.

i was suddenly aware of what had happened.

"autumn, love, are you awake? oh my god, that was a stupid question, of course you're awake. you're breathing has quickened, is everything alright?" he spoke quickly, obviously afraid of how i would react.

if he was expecting sunshine and rainbows, he was wrong.

"who the fuck are you?" i squirmed, getting out of his grip. i was suddenly stopped from going any further than the pillows on the bed because of a heavy, metal chain attatched my ankle. this can't be happening. this isn't real. i'm going to wake up, and i'm going to be drunk as shit from the party. not here. not with chandler.

"i already told you, dear," he started as he stroked my hair, trying to calm me down. "my name is chandler, silly. and you're my autumn. are you feeling okay?" his voice was soothing. nothing about this was soothing, so what the fuck was he trying to pull?

"no, i'm not fucking okay! let me go!" i yanked at the chains helplessly. someone with my strength obviously was not going to break these.

his jaw tensed, and his eyes began to get darker.

"i don't appreciate you using that tone with me. come here, baby. let's get you something to eat. you need to stay healthy." chandler smiled. his smile was calming. he was going to kill me and here i was, finding him attractive. i'm seriously fucked up. this wasn't the time nor place.

i glanced at the chains. how was i supposed to follow this fucking.. psycho if i didn't have my own will to walk?

"oh, it's okay. these chains are just until i know i can trust you. afterwards, we'll move you upstairs with me. don't worry, there are no windows so you won't have to worry about anyone taking you away from me." he stated so calmy. so... innocently, that he gave me a false sense of secruity.

"are you going to kill me..?" i barely managed to whisper.

the blood drained out of chandler's face.

"what? no, baby. no. don't think like that. i may lash out on you, but nothing that could harm you. i would never."

"am i ever going to see my family again? my friends?" i asked quickly, hoping he would continue to answer honestly if he wasn't already.

"no. but i'll tell you what," he began as he pulled out my cellphone he was keeping in his jean pockets. "i want you to call and tell everyone you're fine. can you do that for me, love?" he smiled weakly.

i nodded quickly, wiping the tears from my face. if i did what i was asked, i had less of a chance of being killed. i've seen enough movies. i should know, right?

"great," he grinned and dialed my house phone number. how he knew my number was beyond my knowledge, but i didn't dare to ask.

my mother's voice answered at the other end of the line. she was sober, thank god. i wanted to yell, to scream, but chandler had put my phone on speaker, waiting to hear the conversation.

i started sobbing, breaking down, but he wasn't having it.

the twisted fuck motioned around my neck, in a way of choking. he was threatening me. he was going to kill me.

i quickly gathered myself, yet still spoke through sobs. "hey, mom.. i- i just want you to know i won't be home for a while. i've been feeling a bit down and i need a um.. vacation." i managed. this is not the way i wanted to go out. i had decided it would be better to go from old age than anything else, and i was intent on keeping it that way.

"oh, really?" my mother spoke. on the other end it sounded as if she were outside, watching the birds while having a cup of coffee. my parents have never been my favorite people, but i'd give anything to be with them right now. anywhere but here.

"is it a boy?" she asked quickly. my mother always jumped to conclusions, but little did she know.

i laughed through a sob and shook my head, hoping the worst part was over.

"sure, mom. there's a guy here. i'll see you soon, alright? i- i just need a break." i hated myself for lying to her like this, but i didn't have much of a choice.

"i love you.." my voice trailed off. i thought about all of the possibilities. i could never hear my mom's voice again. i may never be able to tell her how much i love her again, even if she is so much trouble. i may never see her again.

before i could hear my mother's response, chandler hung up the phone and slid it back in his pocket.

"alright, autumn. i'm going to get you some food. if you move, i'll be mad." he stated simply, exiting the room in search of whatever he was going to bring me. i heard the door lock four times, which means the door has four locks. note to self: don't ever try to escape and use the door.

i looked towards the window, which was fairly small. my chains didn't reach nearly as far, but if i could break this chain, maybe i can find something to smash the window.

i scratched the chain against the metal table, making somewhat of a difference in the chain.

my heart was pounding and my body was sweating from how hard i was working, you'd probably think i just got back from running a marathon. not to mention it's summer and i'm in some flowy, very concealing dress i woke up in.

minutes later, i heard footsteps coming down the steps. i quickly gathered myself up and jumped into the bed he set up for me and hid the chain under my sheets.

chandler dropped the food he was carrying. he slowly walked toward me, his mouth hung open with an emotionless expression on his face.

"autumn," he spat. he grabbed my wrists and brought me to my feet. "you're sweating." he implied, tracing my cheek with his hand. he brought his hand to my neck and felt my pulse. "your hearts pounding. i can hear it from here. what the fuck have you been up to?"

without replying, i quickly began to run for the stairs, even if i was chained down. chandler quickly caught up.

he spun me around and slammed my body against the wall, pinning my arms against the wall. he was fucking strong.

"you were really going to do that? you were going to try and escape me?" he pressed his forehead to mine, his breath heating up my face.

none of this should be happening. i need to fucking wake up.

"it's alright, autumn, i forgive you." and with those words, he kissed me. but i didn't kiss back. how could i kiss someone so vile?

i kicked him in the dick, yes the dick, and picked the keys from his pocket. i unlocked my chain as fast as possible and ran up the stairs, hoping to find someway out.



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