ch. 11

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chandler's pov:

everything about him was bothering me. his breathing, the way he carried himself, his attitude. i couldn't bear to be around him, especially not when he was flirting with my autumn.

"tell me again why you're here?" i asked impatiently, hoping for a better response than, "your mother sent me to check on you". but all hope i had of a decent answer slipped away the second he opened his mouth.

"your mother. she's worried about you, chandler. you haven't been out in almost a year. you never even went to your brother funerals." the teenage boy standing in front of me stated. as if i didn't already know.

"your point? i've been taking care of my autumn. so if you'd excuse us, strangers are not welcome in this home." i defended, tracing small circles on the back of autumn's hands. i could hear her heart rate increasing from my touch, which meant the world to me. to hear her heart, to feel her chest, moving up and done, sent a rush of pleasure throughout my body.

"i'm your mother's boyfriend's son. my name is Luke," he argued, as if i should know, let alone care.

i scoffed at his manner, he was so full of himself.

"how long will you be staying for, Luke? we know it's been a days worth of driving, we'd hate to see you leavs so soon." autumn smiled so warmly at this man, i wanted to kill him right then and there.

"i'll be staying for week or so, beautiful. should give us some time to.. get to know eachother." he winked, and i almost lost my temper. he just couldn't leave her alone, could he?

autumn blushed, and i gripped her wrist tighter. i wasn't going to deal with this shit, i was going to get rid of him tonight.


by the time dinner roled around, i had no choice but to leave autumn in the dining room with that poor excuse of a human being. the kitchen was just much too dangerous for her, and i couldn't bear to see my autumn hurt. she is the only one who has ever touched my heart, and i intended to keep it that way. without her, i'd simply kill myself.

autumn never actually knew what i served her for dinner. most of the time, it was the flesh of some dick who had pissed me off during my trips to the grocery store, accompanied by a drug to paralyze her limbs. it was the only way i could protect her.

while cooking Luke's meal, i poisoned it. but this time, it was a different poison. it was one to make him dizzy, make it harder for him to escape while i was shredding his body to pieces.

sadly, Luke would never be one of our meals. the poison in his system would be much too dangerous for my autumn, i just couldn't risk it.

"dinner time!" i sang, walking into the dining room. i was pleased to see autumn sitting at the other end of the table, waiting patiently for me.

all throughout dinner, luke was a pain in my ass. his constant fucking asshole remarks and flirtatious comments towards autumn sent me over the edge.

finally, after clearing off the table, i got a chance to speak to autumn.

"go to your room, princess, i'll be up soon. go pick out your favorite book, and i'll read you a bedtime story, yeah?" i stroked her cheek, looking into her eyes. there was no way she could pass up that offer.

i guided luke down the steps, acting as if i had something to show him. i quietly locked the door behind me, and pushed him down the steps.

"you poor thing. are you hurt?" i chuckled, walking down the steps on my own.

i could see luke struggling, but he couldn't get up. he let out a cry of pain, and i stomped on his back to shut him up.

"oh, quit your whining." i began, throwing luke onto a metal table, surrounded by a bathtub. "i'm going to have some fun."

i covered luke's mouth with a gag, and began to take out my machine. i carefully stuck a tube in each one of luke's major arteries, and watched the blood slowly pump out.

"you don't mess with my autumn. i wish you had caught on earlier. we wouldn't be in this mess." i sighed, picking up a saw. luke's eyes widened, and i smiled with delight. the fear spread across his face gave me an unbelievable amount of satisfaction.

i carefully pressed the saw to his arm and started cutting, one by one. soon, luke was nothing but a torso and a head. he was bleeding out, and i couldn't help but watch. it was just so fascinating.

i began to lift the floorboards of the basement, carefully placing each limb under a different board. there would be no proof luke had been here, i could play his death of as a runaway, or a car accident. yeah, that would be it.

soon after finishing, i walked back towards luke, watching the pain and fear spread across his face.

"a-am i going to die?" he questioned in the most faint voice i had ever heard. before i could answer, his heart stopped beating. all that was left to do was watch the blood drip from his torso, falling on the cold, concrete ground.



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