Chapter Nineteen: Ned

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    Before Deirdre could get away, I ran back into the diner over to Frank and Joe. "Deirdre knows something. She tried to deny it, but I know Deirdre well enough to know when she is trying to pull off an act."
    If Deirdre wanted to lie to me, I could play along. I knew she was hiding something as soon as we locked eyes in the diner. But, when she denied that she knew anything about Nancy, I acted as upset as I could. Hopefully, she bought it.
    "What should we do?" Frank asked me.
    I explained my plan hurriedly, "She is walking to her car now. We have to follow her without her knowing. I'll bet she was taking all that food to Nancy. We don't have any other leads. We have to try."
    "I just got my cheeseburger," Joe complained.
    Frank sprang out of his seat, "Come on," he laid a twenty on the table, "Bring the burger and let's go!"
    We all ran out of the diner just as Deirdre flew her car away. We sprinted to the Hardy van. Frank got in the driver seat as Joe got into the passenger seat, phoning Bess and George.
I got into the back, my heart pounding and my knees shaking. I prayed that Deirdre would bring us to Nancy. The anxiety was eating me alive. "Please, please, please..." I whispered to myself.
"Hello? George..." Joe said, "Get to your car. We have a lead."

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