And Mikoto, she had developed over 60 days of fatigue and strain.. 2 days of sleeping in.. freshening one's self.. she WANTED that so bad!!!

Mikoto grinned at Grandix. "You're ON!!!" I'm going to kick you around till I beat Dragon Lord into my very bones!!!!"

Mikoto launched herself at Grandix, who let out a small smile, and came to meet his apprentice.

The two combatants shot into the air, leaping from cliff to cliff, letting their lightning blast apart the terrain.. creating new lakes and rivers in seconds. Blue electricity and Yellow Electricity colliding with each other in a display more impressive then nature itself.

Mikoto suddenly sent an Iron Fist of the Thunder Dragon hurling at Grandix, which he blocked with a hand.

Mikoto made to wrench away her fist from Grandix's hand.. but couldn't.. what?

Mikoto gritted her teeth with incredible frustration. Why.. couldn't.. she.. RRRRRGGGHHHH!!

As the frustration built inside Mikoto, she felt an incredible power form, then condense in her body.. immediately, her lightning wings disappeared.. and suddenly, golden scales formed on her forearms.. like armor.. Her hands turned scaly with black silver tipped claws

On the sides of her face, around her eyes, long golden scales protruded, emanating a deadly powerful electricomagnetic field that caused the entire lake around to begin evaporating and ionizing.

Her feet and legs also turned gold, scaly, and clawed, and a large majestic golden dragon's tail with silver spines protruded from her backside, phasing out of her clothes without damaging the fabric, phantomlike, yet completely solid.

Mikoto's teeth turned to dragon's fangs.. and finally, two silver horns, zig zag shaped like lightning bolts protruded from her head and curved elegantly to the back of her head.

"She's.. done it.." Grandix whispered.

"RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!" Mikoto let out the roar of a dragon as lightning exploded from her body.

But it was the lightning that surprised Grandix the most.

The color wasn't yellow like that of a normal Dragon Born.. it wasn't even blue like Mikoto's usual electricity...

This lightning was a pure bright, shining, metallic.... Silver..

"Silver lightning!!?" Grandix stammered. right before Mikoto thrust out a scaly hand at him.


Immediately, a powerful radiant silver lightning blast exploded out, and formed into a massive serpentine Asian Dragon made of silver lightning.

The dragon wrapped Grandix in it's immense coils, before exploding in a brilliant silver charged light.

The entire planet shook as if somebody had just hit it with a Universal Spirit Bomb... and when the blast cleared.. a 60 mile wide crater  was filling up with massive amounts of water.

Grandix emerged on a small island in the center of the crater, carrying a shivering and panting Mikoto on his back.

Grandix grinned at the tired Mikoto on his back. "Do not worry.. Dragon Lord form takes more energy quicker on it's first unlocking with this method then this planet can restore. It'll only take a few hours before you're once more filled with the stamina of this place.."

"Ugghh.. gguhh.. wow.." Mikoto groaned. "So.. that.. was Dragon Lord? I.. actually did it?"

"Yes." said Grandix, immense pride evident in his voice. "However, there was something unexpected.."

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The Diablo Saga: Book 4, Clash of LordsWhere stories live. Discover now