Silver Lightning

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"RRRAAHHHH!!" Mikoto was sent hurling through a massive set of cliffs. her body drawing gouges around the canyon rivers that ran down the waterfalls.

How long now? How long had she and Grandix been training nonstop?

2 entire months... equal to 2 days out there... in the rest of the Universe.

"YOUR GUARD IS DOWN!!!" Grandix roared shooting down from the sky, launching a lightning embued elbow down at Mikoto.

Mikoto closed her wings together over herself, blocking the powerful assault.

A shockwave exploded throughout the cliffs, causing powerful earthquakes, and the cliffs to crumble.. the rivers flooded over parts of the forest.

"You're doing well Mikoto!" Grandix exclaimed as he pried the lightning wings apart. "You are only a step away.. your physical battle prowess at last matches mine! And your ability to think and strategize during a battle of quick wits, has grown! BUT!!! I WILL NOT LET UP!!!"

Grandix opened his mouth. "ROAR OF THE THUNDER DRAGON!!!"

Mikoto gritted her teeth as the powerful yellow lightning blast exploded at close range. She opened her mouth, and as the energy exploded around her, she sucked in the electric energy like a cyclone.. devouring the lightning before ramming Grandix back with a lightning fist.

The two leapt off the crumbling terrain and landed in the water, using electromagnetism to propel their feet a few centimeters off the water, allowing them to walk on the water.

Mikoto's hair had grown long, down to her shoulders, from weeks of not maintaining it. Her clothes were in shreds, and bruises and wounds covered her entire form.

And still, thanks to the nature of this world.. she had not run out of stamina..

"Very very good. " said Grandix . "Last time, my lightning was so volatile, that when you attempted to swallow it, you vomited in terrible sickness.. but. now.. your body has toughened beyond what any normal Dragon Born has ever achieved, save a select few."

"And yet.." Mikoto said, wiping some blood from her cheek with the back of her hand. "I've still not been able to achieve Dragon Lord, and two thirds of our time limit has already passed."

"Says the girl who has grown so much over 2 months, that she now bears the appearance of a Warrior Princess." said Grandix with a chuckle.

Mikoto blinked with surprise. "A what!?"

She hadn't had an opportunity to look at herself for 2 months.

Mikoto looked at her reflection in the now calm water.  If Mikoto had to describe her appearance right now, she'd call herself a Junior Erza with different colored hair.

"Wow.." said Mikoto. "I'm.. er.. wild?"

"You're close." said Grandix. "If you... in the next few hours, manage to unlock a sliver of Dragon Lord form.. or a hint of it's power.. I will allow you 2 days of rest before we resume training.. "

Mikoto perked up. 2 days rest!? Seriously!?

Despite the fact that the nature of this planet consistently restored your stamina. It didn't take away the feeling of fatigue, or injuries. Muscles after all, became stronger by becoming injured then healing back stronger naturally. That is how exercise and improving worked, if wounds couldn't be received, then it would be impossible for training to make any headway in that world.

Instead, what happened, was energy seeped in from the environment, into the body, revitalizing the Nervous System. This meant that food and sleep wasn't absolutely required, and one could keep fighting for months on end.. however, that was it. It didn't change the feelings of fatigue, or strain, nor the fact that sleeping would actually be nice despite it not being needed.

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