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Milly's words echo in my mind. Her voice, telling me that I can't run away forever. I've tried, no, I have, my whole I life I've been trying to escape my problems.

I woke up in the middle of the night and rubbed my forehead with my hand, noticing Jeager asleep on the pillow beside me. I removed the covers and got up and out of bed.

The whole mansion was dark and empty. The only sounds were the footsteps that me and Jeager created as we walked down the hall and to the outside.

I watched him run around, getting the last of the crazy hyperness out while I sat down in one of the chairs, pulling out a Vape. Inhaling little bits of it and blowing out the cherry scented cloud.

"A little late for that isn't it?" I look behind me and saw Kaoru in his pajama pants walking outside, sitting in a chair across from me.

"I was taking the dog out." I inhaling the water and blowing it out into another cloud.

"Besides, Vapes are better. Not healthier but they'll help me with my Smartie addiction." I let out a small laugh, my brother letting one out too.

"Its good to see you laugh again." He smiled.

"I wouldn't call it a laugh."

"Its better than nothing." I slightly shrug.

"Hikaru hasn't been the same you know." I looked up at him, pulling the small pencil like tube away from my mouth.

"Ever since, you went to the ER, he's done nothing but blame himself." I opened my mouth to respond, but he lifted up his hand.

"Wait." I did.

"We both have realized that we aren't the best brothers in the world. We're actually the worst. But these past few months have gotten us thinking and trying to figure out a way to fix the damage..."

"Fix? You can't fix this. I chose the path I'm on, neither of you forced me on it. I appreciate your apologies Kaoru, I really do. I love you and Hikaru, I'm forced to because we're family. But the damage that's been done have just created scars, and no matter what you both do, you can't fix them. You've had sixteen years to fix them and wasted time." I said sadly, picking up Jeager who was at my feet and stood up, leaving my brother as I went back inside.

The following morning I woke up fairly early. Changing into my uniform and waking Milly up not much later. Leaving her with the bathroom for the next forty minutes or longer. So I took the elevator downstairs and started working on my homework while eating small portions of breakfast.

"Morning." I look up and see Hikaru sitting across from me.

"Morning." I replied, going back to my Algebra. After staying in rehab, I've fallen behind.

"Watcha working on?" He asked again. I sighed, not lifting my head up.

"Algebra."I answered, my pencil still moving in motion as I try to complete the problem.

"If you ever need help, I'll tutor you."

"Thanks but no thanks." I say politely, closing my book and heading into the car.

I sit in there in silence, continuing my school work, as Hikaru and Kaoru start to come in and Milly a little after. Trying to look her best as usual. The same silence or small talk going on, on the way to Ouran.

As me and my hyper friend walk in the halls of the school, we got to our classroom and took our seats. Only a few students there, and of course a fimiliar cross dresser.

"Jezebel, hi." Haruhi greeted me once she turned around.

"Hey, long time no see right." I say back in return.

"Yeah, I didn't know when it was a good time to speak to you so I kept quiet most of the time." She said feeling bad.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to, its always nice talking with you." I reply.

"So, are you going to come back to the Host Club?" She asked and I lost my smile.

"Hey! Has Renge learned how to bake yet?" Milly changed the subject rather quickly.

"No, she just has her baker do it now." She sweat-dropped.

"Sounds like her." I smile.

"Yeah, Honey really loves them actually, so they must be good."

"Honey? He's still here?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, Mori too. They come by every so often when they're not at the University."

"Which is quite often." Milly laughs.

"That's awsome." I said with a smile on my face, I always liked Honey and Mori, I always felt like they understood me better than everyone else.

"Jez? Jezzie? Come in, Jezebel." Milly snapped her fingers in my face waking me up.

"Uh yeah?" I asked blinking a few times.

"Teacher alert." She whispered.

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