Second Years

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I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (etc) sorry for not updating! I'm sorry! (sulks in corner) It took me a while to find idea's but I think I got some but the more the better. Without further a do~ Enjoy!!

~1 Week Later~

"Get up Jez! First Day of School!" I heard Milly sing while jumping on my bed.

"I don't wanna" I whined while turning on my side, trying to ignore her.

"Don't gotta choice hun" She smiles while ripping the blanket away.

"Its cold."

"Get changed and you won't be cold anymore."

"Smart ass." I said getting up and putting on my clothes, mainly a large jacket, hopping that no one could notice.

"Still looking good." Milly said popping next to me.

"Whatever you say."

"Come on, lets go, we don't wanna be late."

I nod and we head downstairs, already seeing the twins down there, putting on their ties and shoes. I walk by and look at the batch of the fresh muffins. They smelled a lot better than what I was served in rehab but I wasn't really in the mood to eat.

"Jez! C'mon we're leaving!" Milly called out as she and Hikaru were walking out the door.

"Coming!" I replied turning around but bumped into Kaoru.

"Sorry." I said casually, but still half asleep.

"Its fine." He smiled.

"We should go..." I started but noticed him holding a muffin in front of me.


"No thanks."

"Eat it, quit playing hard to get." He places it on my hand and walked next to me as we got in the limo and started driving off to school.

"Can't believe we're second years! About time!" Milly cheered excitedly, I mainly stared at my sneakers.

"..." I kept silent.


When we got to school it was weird. I remember being the new student here but that wasn't the case this time, thank god. But I took a different path rather than my twins and Milly. I went straight to the office to get my scheduled. Then making my way to my first class, class 2A. When I walked in, some people stared at me while others payed no attention, those I praised.

I looked around for an available seat and saw Milly waving casually with a large grin on her face. I smiled and walked over, sitting next to her and laid my head down on my new desk. I noticed that Hikaru and Kaoru sat in the seats in front of me and in between Haruhi.

"Good morning students and welcome back. I hope you all enjoyed your summer vacation and are ready for the new year!" Our teacher said happily.

"And what better way to start the year... with some math!"

I hate him already...


"I hate that stupid teacher!" Milly groaned as we walked through the hallway.

"I know, you keep saying that." I laughed.

"I mean! What teacher acts all hokey dokey on the first day and then give us 69 math problems?? That counts as a grade??" She ranted.

"I know I know." I rubbed my forehead.

"And what's with the number 69? He might as well have given us 70, he doesn't even deserve to be a teacher here." I could have sworn I saw steam of anger.

"H-Hey now, lets calm down." I tried to reassure her.

"Where are we even going?" I asked her.

"Can I make it into a ridle?"




"Your no fun."

"I know I'm awful, I should be placed in Tamaki's corner." I said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

"We're here." She said looking at a door.

Music Room 3

"Nope." I started to walk away.

"Come on.."

"No, maybe another time." I said turning around to face her seeing her sigh.

"Jezebel, someday, your gonna have to stop running and face your fears, or else they'll eat you alive." She said before walking away.

How could I be angry or upset though, she's right.

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