Chapter 10: Tease Me

Start from the beginning

I opened my mouth, "It seems I made a little mistake on profiling..."

Ciel raised his brow, "Mistake?"

I gave him a weary smile, unable to look at him directly, "It seems a woman is a mistake. Sorry. It was a man"

"So, it is a one man?" Ciel confirmed.

"Yes, exactly." The demon replied, meeting his eye.

"Is he human?" The demon butler shook his head.

"Now, I see.." the Earl said, gritting his teeth. Sebastian laughed a bit, standing up and throwing the useless papers in the air.

"By your order, I, your chessman shall become your sword." He vowed, "Now then, let us move into check..master."


I glanced at Sebastian anxiously. While his face was serene and betrayed nothing, my heart over my frantically beating heart was more than enough as we stepped into the red room. The sofa, the chairs, the furniture even bed was red.

"It must be tiring to see the colour you hate every day. It takes a toll on you doesn't it?" I sat down, "Can you give us a moment?" Sebastian wordlessly nodded, walking out of the deeper room to Angela's drawing room.

She followed the suit, "I don't know what you are talking about, Miss Yuri. As my nickname suggest, you should know this is the colour I love."

"We know you are Jack the Ripper." She froze then forced a frosty smile, "My, what a accusation you are making. Just because I am a doctor does not make me a killer."

"Low self-esteem, which would be well hidden. You'd kill to reclaim your power and dress impeccably to keep the façade. Because you overcompensates to hide your insecurity, you most likely holds a position of authority at work and probably has some kind of medical training ―a doctor" I could see her lips straightened into thin line, "You lost a child in a carriage accident."

"How did you know that?" She abruptly demanded angrily, her calm façade slipping.

"And prostitutes who comes for abortion blabbering how tiresome it is, snapped something inside you―"

"STOP!" She screeched, her hands coming up to block her ears, I decided it was enough and waited until she calmed down. Angelina's heaved, her trembling hands dropping limply onto her knee.

"One thing that I have seen happen to a woman is that she will demonstrate to everyone that she's fine with having had an abortion, and then something happens that triggers her emotions. I call this 'being blindsided'." I explained uneasily, "It could be a pictures in a biological textbook, or seeing a mother with a child the same age as hers would have been, or the anniversary of the abortion or the expected due date. It could be almost anything. Sometimes a woman completely loses her equanimity. She could even become suicidal." I looked at her.

"Ciel lost his parent, his manor, nearly everything. Don't make him lose you too." I pleaded.

"You knew this from the start" She stared, "...Just..who are you?"

"We will tell Ciel it was a man, there was no woman. And until you are ready, we will keep this a secret between us."

"...All I wanted was a child...but those women..they thought a child was a trouble?" Tears she held back for so many years slipped out, "Parent shouldn't bury their own child. There is no greater gift in life than that of being a parent. But so many of us abuse and squander that you think I am evil because of it?"

A Kiss To My Prince, A Kuroshitsuji Fanfic (By Cutie Bunny)Where stories live. Discover now