"They will just want to meet you. Also, because of pack rules you, you can't talk. I'm sorry."

Why is she apologising to me? Does she want me to talk? Is this another test? To see if I talk even when I've been told not to? I'm not going to fall for it. Never again.

She moves her arm forwards and places it on my shoulder "Don't be scared, I will protect you no matter what."

Her eyes hold a strange look, I feel the same thing sweep over me that did when her Father looked at me. I don't like it because it's a strange feeling, but I realise now that I want to like it.

There's something I've only just noticed, I'm taller than her, by a head, as her's goes to my shoulders. All my other Masters have been taller than me. I don't know how I feel about having such a small Master. I still feel intimidated and threatened since she's a wolf, a future alpha at that and I'm only a mere human, but it still feels strange to me.

She takes me towards a door, and as it's opened I fill with dread, I can't believe what I'm seeing.

My Master turns to see what I'm looking at and as she does she let's go of my lead. I watch as a massive brown beast attacks her, knocking her down across the floor.

I back away against the wall of the house, while my Master's is attacked by what now I realise is another wolf.

I hate the sight of wolves, snarling, teeth on show, dangerous and unforgiving eyes. I hate them.

I snap my own eyes shut as I hear the snarls and bites of both the wolf and my Master. The sound of pushing and shoving, along with the sound of gravel being forced around.

"Cease!" My Master's Mother calls out from the front door. The fighting instantly stops. I've never seen or felt the power of a Luna before, and I never want to again, the feeling of her power is crushing me internally, I can barely breath, this is far worse than when I first saw my Master.

I slowly open my eyes and watch with heavy breathing, as the wolf turns to face his Luna with his tail between his legs and his head close to the ground. My Master stands next to the wolf with her head down. I know what this is, they are both submitting to their Luna's dominance.

"Inside before you frighten your pet to death." She points to me and then walks back into the house.

My body has decided upon itself to become a leaf being beaten by the wind. I can't keep myself still, but at least it's a sign that the Luna's power has gone from within me.

I hear another snarl come from the wolf. I look up to see him head butt my Master in the back. He moves his head, putting it forcefully under her arm, and she rests it between his ears, her fingers dangling along the bridge between his eyes.

I thought they were fighting? Was that a play fight? I've read about them in one of my old Master's library when he was sleeping. Wolves tend to play fight amongst themselves to practice and to have fun.

The wolf snarls again, he moves his head knocking my Master's arm off him.

The wolf begins to walk ahead and comes straight towards me. The wolf's eyes don't look dangerous, but he starts to sniff me, I want to scream i'm not food, but I can't so my only option is to throw myself back against the wall. Just because he's friendly with my Master doesn't mean he'll be like that with me. I'm so stupid! I clench my eyes shut and anticipate a bite.

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