"I'm leaving," I announce. Before Jason or Sammi can lift a finger to stop me, I'm charging up the hill and down the other side. This can not be real. Maybe pinching doesn't really work in dreams after all. Maybe pain doesn't wake you up and you have to wake yourself up or be stuck in it forever... Okay. So I'm being kind of over dramatic, but really, in a situation like mine right now, who wouldn't be? I beer off the dirt road and crash into the woods. I huddle underneath a log and hope that the guys don't find me. Sammie seemed so nice during school too. And Jason didn't seem half bad yesterday. My life is so messed up.

I hear gravel crunches as the two boys rush past me in a flash of purple and orange. I sink to the ground, out of my crouch position. I lie flat on my back, looking up into the treetops and wondering what to do next. I have no home to wander back to, no one to call, no one to take me in. I hate this feeling. The feeling of helplessness, of powerlessness, that chews up my insides. It always leaves me feeling raw and resentful towards everyone. Even random strangers who I pass on the street. Their lives are always perfect. Perfect house. Perfect clothes. Perfect food. Perfect family. No one ever gives me a second glance. No one ever does a double take. I'm just another guy on the street walking in the opposite direction.

I watch in frustration as my breath turns to mist in the frigid spring air. Not even my breath in permanent. Nothing is permanent. Nothing.

Except buildings. Architectural beauties with sweeping arches and curves that slip into the sea. I made up my mind along time ago that I want something permanent. I want something of mine to rest on this earth forever. I'm going to be an architect. I'm going to design the most amazing structure anyone has ever seen. People will travel from Bulgaria and Bangladesh just to see it. Just to whisper around their neighbourhood that they had see the great Ethan Roony's magnificent piece of art.

Watch out world. Ethan Roony's coming.

I smirk at my reveries. Someday I'm going to design something. People won't travel from across the globe to see it just so they can whisper, but I know that I will at least leave most people in awe.

Then the twig snaps.

Bloody hell, have I seriously been day dreaming for that long? Have Jason and Sammie already circled back. But no...a hiss reaches my ears.

"Ethan Roony. Son of Athena. Come and meet your doom!" A snake lady jumps out of the bushes.


I dive into the old tree log I've been hiding next too.

"You can't hide forever Son of Athena. You will have to come out soon. And I will be waiting for you!" She chuckles in glee and I feel my heart pick up even more speed.

This could not be happening right now. No. No way.

But I know now that this isn't some joke anymore. I'm not on international television at the moment with millions of people staring at me, waiting to humiliate me. This is my life. I'm about to die. There is a monster attacking me. It is trying to kill me. There is a dragon on top of the hill. It guards the real Golden Fleece. Jason can fly. My best friend is truly half goat. The gods are real.


Oh, why hadn't I jus stuck with Jason and Sammie. I probably wouldn't be chattering my teeth, waiting for a horrendous snake lady to chew my guts out. Jason and Sammie are probably having the time of their lives right now. Flying or swimming or sleeping or eating or climbing the lava wall or riding Pegasus. Maybe they're getting rides from a centaur. Maybe they're...

"Ethan! Ethan? Where are you dude? Ethan! Dude! Where are—" the voices are cut off. They must have found the snake lady.

"I hope he's still alive," mutters Sammie, fear creeping into his voice.

There is a moment of silence. Then the awful hissing whisper comes, "Son of Jupiter—" she cuts off. A loud clang is heard.

"Ethan! She's gone! Please come out!"

I practically leap from the log. "Holy Moley guys. What the friging hell was that. And the clang? Dude, why do you have the Golden Fleece in a pine tree? And whose—"

"Ethan," Sammie interrupts. "Shut up."

We all grin. And they link their arms through mine to haul me back to camp.

Sorry for not updating in so long. Been really busy and couldn't think of anything. Well I hoped you like this. Anyways I love all of y'all's for reading this. I guarantee there are more to come. I'm currently trying to write a Percabeth AU and a ChrisXClarisse chapter.

What's there ship name? Can someone help me? For the life of me I forget.

Anyways, chow for now.
~omgitshappenninng 😜

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