Drunk Girl

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A week later and it seemed that Amber was settling in, she had a group of friends and she never really seemed to be around me as much. I'm not sure if that was a good thing or not. 

It was History and as ever, I was bored, and so was the other half of the class. I looked about, Marcus Quinn, one of the football players in our year, was making a paper areoplane out of a chocolate wrapper. I looked to the seat behind him, Anna Plick was sitting there, doodling on her excerise book and playing with her hair. I was disgusted at how History, one of the most intersting topics at school, could be turned into such a lonely and tedious subject with a teacher such as the boring Mr Insuroap.

I looked about, was there anyone who didn't look like they were dead? I scoured the room but stopped when I realised one of the girls, Brenda Instanta, was staring at me. When she caught me looking at her also, she raised her eyebrows at me and turned to her desk. I was confused, did I miss something? Brenda got a scrap of paper and I saw her scribble something onto it. Then she glanced back at me a bit her bottom lip. Honestly, what was going on? I saw her whisper to the boy behnd her and handed him the note. I watched the note travel around the room until Gary Jenkins passed it to me from behind me, "It's from Brenda," he whispered.

"Thanks," I replied before I opened up the message:


Meet me outside the classroom by the lockers when the bell goes.

Looking forward to spending some time with you,

Brenda xx

I folded the note up so it fit into my pocket. What had happened? I looked at Brenda, she smiled at me.


The end of school bell went and I did as instructed. I waited outside the lockers until a bright eyed Brenda strolled around the corner. She layed her hand on my chest and whispered something that I couldn't quite work out. Then she slowly aligned our lips and crashed her lips onto mine, I struggled to get out of her firm grip but already she had began unbuttoning my shirt. I pulled away from her kiss and she fell to the group, and that's when I smelt it. A strong smell of alcohol, she was drunk!

I walked away, buttoning up my shirt, leaving her sat staring on the floor, moving a bit every twenty seconds. I had just picked up my pace when I noticed someone standing by the lockers. I turned around...

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