Chapter Eighteen ~ cry of death

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Hey sorry I’ve taken so long to update but now I’ve finished school! No more exams! So here we go the next chapter!

Last Time

He then sat slumped with his back against the truck with his head resting back. I smiled. We could both feel it radiating off this place. Comfort. Home. Safety. This place truly was Paradise.

Chapter Eighteen ~ cry of death

My eyes burned with the light. I welcomed the warm glow; it reminded me of the safety we had found. I rolled over on the lush glass bed I was laying on. The light blinded my eyes until my eyes adjusted. I smiled as I saw a snoring Chris laying beside me peacefully. I smiled in awe. My inched my hand towards Chris’ face feeling the rough unshaved skin under the pad of my finger. “What are you doing?” Chris said, with one eye open, startling me. “Just looking,” I state simply.

As Chris stares at me I notice the light in his eyes, and how his jaw clenches when he’s thinking.  

“Anna…I love-” Chris was cut off by the rumbling of something in the distance. We both turned to the direction that the sound came from. The horizon was in sight. The rising cloud of dark figures moving in the distance. The ground shook. The rumbling got louder and louder. The cloud got closer and closer. My body froze in anxiety. Chris’ hand enveloped mine. “What is that Chris?” I managed to spit out. “I don’t know.” He shook his head.

We both got to our feet, still hand in hand. But as the cloud got closer we could define what it was. Troops. The rumble of their machines. I turned my head to Chris, his face reflected mine. Fear. It was too late if we ran, they’d catch us. Both ways: run or stay we’d be captured. “Chris…I love you.” Were the last words that left my mouth until I was grabbed by all directions. Safety was no more. My fingers which were once linked with Chris’ were now being pulled by various Troop members. I was pulled to the floor as I turned my head I saw Chris struggling against the Troops. I gave him one last smile as we both looked deep into each others eyes, and mouthed ‘I love you,’ before I was grabbed and dragged into a dark van to sit alone. I struggled in my binds. This was it.

*          *          *

I opened my eyes. I groaned as I remembered what happened. The idea of safety was not true…maybe it was only what I wanted to think? I sat in the darkness, alone. I cried out as I thought about Chris. I was disturbed by a click of the door opening. A flood of light entered the room. “I’ve heard a lot about you…you’re a trouble maker…” I know that voice. Mr Left. “I should have lock you away the first time I spoke to you…so what are you going as now? Ellie? Connie? Ashley? Anna?” he snorted. “we could have given you a life…the Troops like to call you 4 lives…and your little boyfriend…well he’s called non-existent…” what did he say? I gasped. No! He can’t be! I struggled against my binds. I cried uncontrollably. Tears burnt my face as they fell, like a rain after a drought. Mr Left laughed cruelly. I gasped for air as his fist connected with my stomach. I bent over in pain.

“I’ll leave you with that thought.” Mr Left said before slamming the door shut.

I cried out in pain. Not the punch, but the idea that Chris was dead! The flood of tears didn’t stop. I threw my head back and cried out.

*          *          *

The flood of light entered the room again. It burnt my eyes. I looked away to let my eyes settle. The dried tears began to crack my skin so that it hurt. But I didn’t care I wanted pain, as long as I can remember Chris and imagine his pain. “How you have you been 4 lives?” Mr Left chuckled my ‘name.’   “Well it’s been a day, anything you want to get off your chest?” He chuckled again. I spit in his face. “Well that wasn’t polite was it?” he yelled in my face as the back of his hand collided with my face. “Time you learnt some manners!” He yelled again as his hand collided with the other side of my face. “I’ll let you rot…4 lives.”     The door slammed shut, leaving me to be absorbed by the darkness.

I’ll try to update more often! What do you think? Hope you enjoyed.

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