Chapter One ~ Death's cure 'the afterlife'

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Edited. Sorry about the mistakes. Hope you like it (: This is more of the background of the story - the real story will start next upload.


Chapter One ~ Death's cure 'the afterlife'

All the other diseases, have been cured long ago. Cancer - cured, Parkinson's - cured, every disease that ever affected the human race. Cured. Seems like a better life, right? If only they stopped there. No, they had to keep on going. They had to cure the one that humanity can't beat. Death. If only they knew.

It has been 7 years since they cured death. They give everyone an injection at the age of 16. That injection makes everyone immortal. You can not die. Not from old age. Not from a fire. Not from gunshot wound. But what happens when you are meant to die, is much worse. People call it 'the afterlife.' After you are given the injection, you have 24 hours to be mortal. Then as your clock counts down. You die. I've been told that the darkness consumes you. But when you wake, you have forgotten everything. The idea that when you die, you forget everything this is so everyone can start again. The old you is whipped from the face of the planet. Your body heals. You forget who you were and what you've done. Everything. The natural instinct of the modern day stays with you. You know how to walk. How to eat. How to speak. But you have no personality. We age, however age is limited. Babies are born, they get injected when they are 16, then live an immortal life until they get to the age of 39 then you are carried away - by force if necessary - to the hospital when they start your immortal clock again. Making you, your appearance and your body go back to they way you were when you were 16. You may question why this so bad. Well, can you imagine having that? Living a life not knowing who you are, forgetting all who you love, forgetting your children, your parents, your partner and has anyone questioned: what happens when the population gets too big?

My name is Connie and my day is dawning, because yesterday I was 16, meaning today, is the day I start my journey to become immortal.

Thanks for reading hope you liked it. If you have any questions or/and if I was unclear/didn't make sense about anything please say.  I'll be uploading soon.  Comment please - your opinion helps me be motivated to write more. Keep Writing Wattpaders! (:

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