Chapter Nine ~ past once forgotten

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Hey this is the part where explains how Chris and Anna/Ellie meet. I will be referring to Ellie as Anna, as that is who she is. The order of Ellie's cycle is Anna was the mortal 0-16 year old who was egg born, then when 16 she became Ashley briefly, however she was explained to by Chris and became Anna again. At 38 she was taken away and turned to particles and born again as Connie, then turned 16 to become Ellie. Hope its not too confusing.

Last Time

“Ellie, I’m going to tell you our story; the story of how we met and our life together.”

edited 27/5/14

Chapter Nine ~ past once forgotten

Chris smiled at me as he remembered and lived that memory, he opened his mouth before closing it again. He leaned forward towards me as he took my hand in his. I looked at him for a breif second. "

This is our story Ellie..." Chris' eyes lit up. "We were 14, I was going to school, but I was late I was running to school down the street and I tripped. I smashed my head on the street floor and everyone laughed at me, except you. You told everyone to back off and leave me alone...there was this one guy who didn't listen to you he laughed and kicked dirt in my got so mad-" Chris laughed at the memory.

"-Your face was bright red with rage, you stomped right up to him and you punched him. God you were a foot smaller than him, but you punched him so hard his nose bled he hit the floor. Everyone backed off after that, they left me and you alone. We became friends after that, and we got closer and closer. We knew each other better then we knew ourselves. Then a year after being your friend I fell in love with you-" Chris looked at me with the look of admiration and love. He smiled, a beautiful smile that made my heart swell with envy that I once was the subject of his love.

"-I took you on a date to the hills just outside of Jailbreak. We sat on that hill for hours talking...that's when we found out about the 'cure,' we watched some vans take people away, you were the adventurous type, we followed your suggestion, and watched them do experiments and turn them into particles, then we went to see the other vans...we saw them put them into the chambers - the excess population who have had 3 cycles. We met-"

My forced my eyes close. "What are you two doing here!?" A voice yelled from behind us. I grabbed Chris' hand. "Run!" We yelled as our feet echoed on the concrete. A forced pushed me and Chris aside. "Shhhh." The mystery voice yelled. His hand clamped over our mouths. "I'm Richard...You two need to get out of here, before someone finds you. Now go. Never come back."

"We met Richard..." Chris was awe struck. "Yes." He nodded in amazement. "You remembered that?" I nodded to receive a bigger smile from Chris. "Continue." I said as he chimed in agreement.

"Richard helped us escape, he smuggled us out without anyone noticing. We went back and it changed us, we knew what was really happening, but we couldn't tell anyone. That's when we started to find somewhere safe, because they told us we were going to be taken away soon to be injected. We went out every night, sneaked out the city's security and found this place, it took us forever to find this place as we rode our bikes here. We got back just in time for the sun to rise. We packed our things and left, we ran away from everyone - including our families, however we would have forgotten them soon enough anyway. It was just out of the search radius for the troops to find us...we scavenged the streets at night for furniture and day we were in the deserted part of the city...The Ghost Town and found the truck and mattress, we were nearly caught that night the troops found us and grabbed you, but I noticed them before they noticed me I grabbed you, we got in the truck and left." My mind was flooded.

"Chris that was close," "I know Anna okay, it won't happen again I promise." His arm snaked around my hips as we walked into our home. "I love you Anna, I will keep you safe." I smiled as he kissed me softly. "Let's go rest."

"Ellie?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "I remember." I uttered so quietly it was not heard, but he heard it. "Really!?" Chris' smile was the biggest yet. His face glowed, he burst into life. "Wait Chris I only remember a little, but as you explain to me I'm remembering more and more; more of who I am." Chris smiled and nodded in enthusiasm. "Continue." I urged.

"We continued as always, but one day when we were getting food off some loading truck down a back alley, you got grabbed. The troops had you. It was too late before I realised you had gone. I'm sorry...I went back to the labs and found Richard again. I demanded he helped me and he told me everything he said his time was nearly up and gave me all his books and papers, I tried to find you every day. One day I found you I tried to get close, but it was risky. We became friends when you were Ashley, and you started to remember, but we were getting old by the time I found you, we were 33, it was too late. When you were at the age of 38 I knew it was time, so I could be with you again I wrote everything down and gave my friend met him once, we helped him escape Jailbreak...I gave him the list told him everything and to find me. I walked into the troops land and surrendered. They made me particles too and then Malcolm found me again when I was coming up to be 16,once I was re-born as Steve, but when I remembered I decided to become Chris again. You were Connie at this point I was looking for you and I bumped into you after your 16th birthday - the day you forgot and I think you had flashbacks when you saw me, then I found out your assigned house by following you. I found you seconds before you forgot. Then here we are."

"Anna? Come on relax Honey." Chris' hand stroked my forehead gently. "I love you Chris." Chris reflected my comforting smile. "I love you too Anna."

"Chris! Help." The arms of the troops were wrapped around my waist dragging me away."Run Chris!" My scream echoed through the street.

Memories flooded my mind. Emotions - love, pain, sadness and joy filled my mind. I remembered, I remembered it all. I

blinked twice before exclaiming "Chris!" I wrapped my arms around his neck as he regained his body's balance from my weight jumping on his sitting figure.

"God I missed you." His arms gripped my body to his, showing he wasn't going to be letting go of me anytime soon. I pulled my head from his shoulder as I pressed my forehead against his. "I love you Anna, I always will, I found you as promised." His lips were itching above mine, it was almost torturing. I stood on my tip toes, and brought my face closer to Chris'.

"I love you too Chris." I said as I finally allowed my lips to touch Chirs'.

Hey hope you liked it. Will be uploading soon hopefully. Sorry for any mistakes. If I was unclear please ask.

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