Chapter Five ~ knock at the door

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"I will find you Anna, don't worry it'll be okay."

I could feel the warmth of the memory comfort me. It's going to be a long day.

edited 27/5/14

Chapter Five ~ knock at the door

I sat in the dull room trying to figure out what I knew about my life. What I did know was that I knew nothing. Comforting, I thought. I was disturbed from my thoughts by a knock on the door. I slowly made my way to the door, taking into count I knew no one, then who would have been knocking?

I opened the door to see a tall man, looking around the age of 17, he had something about him which made me question if I knew him or not, maybe once before I became immortal.

"Do you remember me in this life?" He looked like he was in a rush, his hair windswept and his chest rising and falling at a fast pace. "Anna? Ashley? Connie? Please?" He moved my hands from the door handle and closed the door himself before sitting down in the living room.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" He looked distressed that I answered his question that way. He sighed heavily.

"Yes or more of you should know me, Anna, no Ashley, no Connie. No I'm sorry-" He rubbed his forehead looking frustrated "What do I call you?" He looked stressed and restless.

"Ellie Harrow...according to Mr Left anyway." He looked up.

"Mr Left? He came already?" He stood up and kicked the air. His body started to vibrate in rage.

"What do I call you?" This seemed to have knocked him from his anger. His posture softened.

"You called me many names. But mainly my name is Chris."

"I love you Chris." "I love you too Ashley." His hands wrapped around mine. I smiled at him, he smiled warmly in return. "Let's go home Hun."

"Ellie? Are you okay? Ellie?" I blinked once. "Hun?" What did he just call me...Just like the dream.

"What did you call me?"


"You called me Hun, like in my...well I don't know what it is, like a dream."

He looked shocked for a moment.

"Dreams? Anna, I mean Ellie, you're starting to remember Hun." He smiled and sighed with relief, as he tugged on his hair. "I don't believe this...I've been waiting for so long, but whenever you get close, something happens." He paused for a breath, however something in his eyes looked almost excited. "Ellie, I'm going to tell you something, but as much as it sounds mad, you must trust me okay?" He took his hands in mine. "Ellie, we gotta' get's not safe here, they'll find us. We have to go somewhere safe." I moved away from him, edging to the back of my seat. Wow this guy is nuts.

"How can I trust you?" I questioned looking around frantically for something to defend myself with from this crazy man.

He smiled, however his smile seemed to be mixed with a grimace. "Easy, you can't." He paused. "Ellie, I'll explain everything to you as soon as we're safe I promise, but we gotta' go, we've got so close before, but they're everywhere Hun, we're not safe." He said with concern in his voice. He stood up and walked into my bedroom. Chris grabbed the bags from the floor, packed full of my clothes, and threw them over his shoulder. As Chris walked out the living room he grabbed my arm, dragging me, my belongings along with him as he walked out the house. Panic began to settle.

"No what are you doing?" I demanded, while slamming my hand on his chest. It didn't seem to work as he just kept walking as if nothing was happening. "Ellie, I'll explain everything I promise, you just have to trust me." I continued to bang repetitively on his chest, but he didn't budge. "Ellie if you continue to do that I will throw you over my shoulder." He threatened. I continued anyway, despite his threat. "Right Ellie..." He said as I screeched out, while he threw me over he shoulders carrying me away. "I warned you Ellie, just trust me okay." Chris continued to walk down the street and threw me into the passenger seat of a black truck.

He looked at me a second before shutting the door, locking it after him. I watched him as he walked around the front of the truck and open the driver's seat door. "I will keep you safe Ellie, I promise." He started the truck, and began to drive us off to somewhere far away.

Thanks for reading hope you liked it. If you have any questions or/and if I was unclear/didn't make sense about anything please say. I'll be uploading soon. Comment please - your opinion helps me be motivated to write more. Keep Writing Wattpaders! (:

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