Chapter Eleven ~ supplies

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Last Time

Goodnight Chris.” I sighed in content. “Night Anna.” Chris said as I finally closed my eyes and let my dreams take me.

edited 30/5/14

Chapter Eleven ~ supplies

I awoke with a content sigh, I felt like I hadn’t slept so well in so long. I felt at peace with myself and the world around me; even though out there, there was death and eternal doom, surrounding every turn. I rolled over from my front onto my side, towards the warm embrace that was locked around me. I watched as Chris was peacefully sleeping beside me. I smiled to myself. He looked as content as I feel. I saw the light entre the cave as the room began to glow a fierce red. The sun was rising. I shifted my body closer to Chris warm body. He stirred a little before going back into his deep sleep. It was like he hadn’t had a decent rest ever from the way his eyes were tightly closed and his peaceful posture was like he was comatose and dead to the world.

“Anna…” Chris mumbled in his sleep before he smiled. His smile was truly happy and relaxed. I held my laughter as his hands pulled me closer, nearly crushing me to death. “Chris…” I said softy before pushing him hard. “Chris.” I said a little harsher this time. He began to stir awake from his sleep. “Anna?” He questioned. He looked at me a second before holding me in an even tighter grip, if it was even possible. I felt as if my eyes would soon pop out of my head with the pressure Chris was putting on my body, and how no air seemed to entre my body, only escape it. “It wasn’t a dream!” He exclaimed.

“Yes Chris it wasn’t a dream….but if you continue to cut off my air supply…I will only be able to see you in your dreams…to haunt you…” He quickly let go. “Sorry.” He mumbled. I grabbed my clothes from the side of the floor that I’d worn the day before. “Wait.” Chris said talking the clothes from my hands. “I’ll wash these, you wear these…” Chris went into a box labelled ‘Anna’ and passed me a pile of fresh clothes. I smiled. “Thanks.” I walked into the bathroom and refreshed myself. After exiting the bathroom I noticed Chris had changed his clothes and had my clothes soaking in a tub of water and soap. “Chris.” I said clearing my throat. He looked at me and smiled, his face looked made my heart melt. “What are we going to do now?” I asked hesitantly.

He paused for thought for a moment.

“We live.” His smile made his face light up. His jaw was strong, his eyes were bright and his teeth showed as he gave me a true smile. “We should go and get some supplies soon…its safer now to go in the day light, as they have more troops searching at night.” Chris said as he led me out the cave. He unlocked the truck. “You’re not going to run this time are you? Coz’ I can throw you over my shoulder again.” He chuckled as I placed my hands on my hips and scowled. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.” I said harshly, only to receive a larger smiled from Chris. We got into the truck and started driving. The sun was beaming down on the dusty earth.

I watched Jailbreak come into the horizon. The cave disappeared from the wing mirror as I knew; we were in their territory now. We parked the truck just outside of the city and hid it under some trees so it wouldn’t be spotted. We walked down the street into the city; we mingled into the crowd trying to fit in. We passed through the crowd, trying not to look suspicious. We walked the streets and quickly turned the corner down a back alley. It was silent down here. We walked through the alleyways into the Ghost Town, the deserted part of town – rumour had it that disease swept these streets, I’m not so sure. We walked down the back and took some wood for the fire and crept down the back of some on the houses from the populated part of town. We came to a van unloading. Food. It smelled amazing. We crept closer, Chris nodded at me. This was our routine. “Hey excuse me?” Chris asked stepping out and closer to the van driver. I heard Chris ask pointless questions about when his schedule was and when he’d be driving by as Chris’ shop was in need of supplies. All lies of course. I opened the bag which Chris had given me as we excited the car, and filled the bag with food and drink. I nodded in Chris’ direction as he wrapped up his discussion with the driver and walked away.

We ran down the street before the driver noticed. Our footsteps echoed along the deserted streets. “They’re here!” we heard shouted from the rooftops. Panic flooded our minds. Chris looked at me; the moment seemed to drag on forever. Chris grabbed my hand as we ran and ran and ran. The troop’s footsteps echoed louder and louder behind us as they drew closer and closer. “Don’t let go.” Chris assured me. His grip on my mind got tighter. We pushed and shoved through the crowd. The truck was in sight, not far now. My legs were getting tired. My breath was endless pants. Chris drew his other hand into his pocket and unlocked the truck. “Get in!” Chris shouted. I got into the truck passenger side as Chris jumped over the bonnet of the car and started the truck. The roar of the engine started as we noticed the troops getting closer. Chris drove as fast as the truck would go. His hands were holding onto the steering wheel hard, so hard his knuckles turned white and the screech of the tyres as we turned onto the dust lane. The troops were becoming black burs in the wind mirror.  I didn’t let myself relax yet, we weren’t safe still. We continued to drive along the dust line; we soon reached the unknown land, safe land. I let go of the breath I was holding for so long. Chris harshly parked the truck at the entrance of the cave. “We don’t have time.” Chris stated.

“Time for what? Chris what are you doing?” Chris ran into the cave a few moments he ran back out carrying piles of clothes. “We can’t stay here Anna, they’ll be looking for us, we need to go deeper into the unknown land. Come on grab some things.” We hurried into the cave grabbing anything we could carry. Chris strapped the mattress to the top of the truck and placed only what he stated was the ‘most important’ books in the boot of the truck. We had everything from the cave in the truck; we searched the cave for anything we’ve left. There was nothing, only about 20 books and a bathroom showed that we once lived there.

Chris loaded the fuel he had at the side of the cave onto the truck. The boot was now full with no more room. He sat in the driver’s seat, paused for a second, before looking over at me. “I’m not going to let you be taken this time Anna, I will keep you safe.” He leaned over and hovered his lips above mine. He looked deep into my eyes. “I love you.” He whispered as he kissed me. Once we broke for air I replied to him. “I love you too.” And with that Chris started the truck and drove away, out to the unknown land, where all kind of dangers await.

Hey hope you liked it. Your feedback would be amazing, helps me wite more. Sorry for any mistakes feel free to point them out and I'll change them. Keep writing (:

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