Chapter Three ~ The count down

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Hey here's the next part. Hope you like it.

Last Time

"I'm fine." I slowly walked away, regaining my sanity. I turned my head again to take one last look at the 'wall' he looked dumb-folded, did he feel it too?

I continued walking to Amelia's house, still in shock of what just happened.


Chapter Three ~ The count down

After an hour of goodbye's, hugs and tears I left Ameila'a for the last time. I walked down the street and let the memories of this morning flood back to me. The way the 'wall' looked at me in such awe, how his eyes lighted up like a sailor whose been lost at sea for years, to finally see land again. I'd never seen him before had I? Yet it felt so real, the image of him seemed like I lived that life, like I felt his lips before, like he meant so much to me. But that cant be, can it?

"You okay Connie?" Dad greeted me while a reassuring smile. I quickly refined my face by plastering on a fake smile. "I'm okay Dad." Which was the complete opposite. In a few hours I would not remember anything about my life. And yet my mind still wonders about a boy I'd only bumped into for a moment. I have more important things to think about.

"You see Amelia?" Mum asked as she walked into the room. I could clearly see her eyes red and bloodshot, as if she hadn't stopped crying since I left. I consoled her with a smile. It must be hard on them. Maybe even harder on them, then it is for me.

"So how about you,me and your mum we all go to your assigned house and get you settled then I'll tell you the stories as promised?" I smiled. Dad always knew how to make me smile.

"Sure, Dad."

As we traveled to my new 'home' I grew more and more anxious and dreading the moments to come. The house was dreary and dull, with only the basic furnature: bed, chairs, sofa, TV and bathroom. To think this is going to be the house I wake up in knowing nothing in. I fought back the tears, I need to stay strong. Mum and Dad made themselves comfortable on the sofa as I wondered aimlessly around. "I put your bag of clothes in the room next door. Sit down Honey, let's start with the story of how me and your mother met." I sat down of the cheap looking, worn chair.

"We'll after wondering around the high-street, I didn't know who I was or where I was going but something was calling me to go there." Mum and Dad smiled at each other, as if they were remembering the memory themselves. "Your mother had became immortal a few weeks before me. I walked aimlessly around the street, yet something was calling me to walk near the local shop. Then I saw her. She was the most stunning person around. She caught me by surprise as she waved and smiled at me. I looked such a fool, but I didn't care. I walked up to your mother and when she introduced herself I thought 'She's going to be the girl I marry.'" I smiled at Dad's cheesiness. I know it sounds cliche, but I know Dad, to him it was a fairy tale moment. The way he loves Mum is breath-taking. Dad continued with his story "And when I saw her it was like re-living a memory. Like I saw our future. Us together. It felt so real." My mind went back to what happened earlier today. I gasped, was that what I felt today?

Time was ticking, each stroke of the hand on the clock made my skincrawl. It was getting closer. My internal clock was counting down I could feel it.

'...three thousand, six hundred.'

I had one hour left. I could feel it. Like my mind was continuing down. Counting down to death.

"Right sweetheart..." I could feel the sadness radiating off both of my parents. I hugged them both so tight. I never wanted to let go, but the sooner they leave, the sooner the pain stops.

"I love you mum, dad. So much." They both smiled. Mum fought her tears, but I could see the strain of not letting them flow taking over.

"We love you too Honey. Be safe, sweetie." And they walked away. They walked out of my life, just like that, my parents - the people who gave me life.

I walked around the house; my bedroom was small and simple, a wardrobe and bed filled the room, painted white. I laid on the bed and waited for sleep to consume me, for death to come over me.

The quicker I fall asleep, the quicker it's over.

I let my eyes close heavily, as I wait anxiously of what is to come.

'...three thousand and four hundred.'

                                                                               *   *   *

I woke up sharply to someone rocking me awake.

I felt my body ticking away. tick tick tick.

I opened my eyes, to my amazment I saw the 'wall' staring at me, with such emotion in his eyes I'd ever seen. His tall frame, hanging over me.

"Listen Connie...My name is  Chris, and you are Ashley, Kelly, Anna and now Connie. You are my wife and girlfriend once. Connie listen to me.."


"There's no time, look at me."


"Remember my name, remember my face, no matter what just remember please." My gaze took in his features from his bright blue eyes to his pointy, hard jaw.


"We will be together soon I promise." He stared into my eyes and I saw a flicker of - Love?


"Remember me." He said.


Before it all went black.

Thanks for reading hope you liked it. If you have any questions or/and if I was unclear/didn't make sense about anything please say. I'll be uploading soon. Comment please - your opinion helps me be motivated to write more. Keep Writing Wattpaders! (:

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