Chapter Two ~ the wall

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Last Time

My name is Connie and my day is dawning, because yesterday I was 16, meaning today, is the day I start my journey to become immortal.


Chapter Two ~the wall

I hoped this day would never come. Your birthday is meant to be something celebrated, this year it is a death sentence. Yesterday was day that I had been waiting for.. Life, the realisation just hit me. Tomorrow I will be 'dead.' I wont remember mum or dad, however they haven't got long left, they are nearly 38 and on their birthday next birthday they will get carried away. It's a sad life for a parent, everyone has to have a child between the age of 22 or younger, or you can't have children. They do this as then a child would be 16 when the parents reach the age of 38, so there wouldn't be a time when the child would be 'alive' and with their memory, without their parents. To think by tomorrow I won't remember the people that meant the most to me...

"We'll drop you off at your assigned housing tonight sweetheart." My Mum said trying to not show the pain in her face. It must be terrible to have a child knowing one day they won't remember you at all.

"Honey I know you won't remember and it's not strictly illegal, but I want you to take this." My Dad handed me  picture of a young - roughly - 21 year old Mum and Dad smiling happily at each other, as Mum cradled her stomach which was twice it's normal size, inside was baby me was resting.

"I know it won't make you remember, but I want you to have it. So you have a piece of us with you." I fought back the tears in my eyes.

"Thanks Dad." I could see it was hard for Mum and Dad to think I would never see them again, and that soon enough they won't remember each other. This is what they made us do - the govornment. Live our life like this. We exist, we don't live. We have no freedom to live.

"Honey why don't you go see your friends. Then the rest of the day we can spend together. We'll tell you stories of how we met if you like." I loved to hear stories of how Mum and Dad met, they were so romantic and loving, then again they still are. It breaks my heart that their time together is limited. I felt my vision becoming blurred with tears, blinking rapidily they disappeared.

"Okay, I'll be back soon." I grabbed my jacket and walked out the front door. Seems strange that I'll never live in this house again. I won't ever walk down to Amelia's house again. I whipped the estranged tear from my face; I must stay strong. I wanted to scream, what they've done to us, forcing us to live this way! Why?! Why did they have to 'cure' death, they only made life worse.

Walking down the street I watched how everyone continued with their lives as normal. To think that, that was me a few days ago was enough to let a sad whimper escape my lips. However, before my burning tears could roll down my cheeks I collided into something hard, almost like a wall.

"Sorry." I said while regaining my balance.

"Anna?" The 'wall' asked, with a husky, deep  voice.

"Sorry...I'm Connie. I don't know any Anna." I said as I was about to walk past him, when my mind was flooded with vivid images of the unknown man in front of me and myself, I know him?

The 'wall' was standing above me, my body enveloped by his arms. I rested my head in his shoulders as he crouched his head down bringing his lips so close to mine I could nearly taste them.

"Are you okay?" The 'wall' questioned. I blinked blankly for a second, shaking my head to remove the image from my head. That felt so real. Like it was all a dream I've had so many times before.

"I'm fine." I slowly walked away, regaining my sanity. I turned my head again to take one last look at the 'wall' who was looking dumb-folded, did he feel it too?

I continued walking to Amelia's house, still in shock of what just happened.

Thanks for reading hope you liked it. If you have any questions or/and if I was unclear/didn't make sense about anything please say. I'll be uploading soon. Comment please - your opinion helps me be motivated to write more. Keep Writing Wattpaders! (:

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