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Me: don't forget we can also dare Aqua, Jessica, and Tail!!!!

Sonic: *holding ice pack to cheek* today's dare is from sweet_puppy866 and it reads, "my little brother dares everyone to eat 5 jars of mayo"

Shadow: um...ewww!!!

Me: oh well...*eats 5 jars of mayo* I don't care anymore!!! Without Dr.Pepper I have no life!!!

Shadow: drama Queen -_-

Me: -_-

Shadow: *eats 5 jars like a boss* that's how the ultimate life form eats mayo

Sonic: do I have too? *whining*

Silver: *uses power to make Sonic eat mayo*

Sonic: *coughing * h-help!!

Shadow: hehehe

Silver: *eats mayo* not that bad

Blaze: 0.O o-ok  *slowly eats mayo* ewww....

Tails and Tail: *make a face while eating mayo* yuck!

Amy: *eats it while drinking a lot of water*

Aqua: *eats it like nothing*

Jessica: *looks at it closely before eating* why?!

Knuckles and Rouge : *eats mayo*

Cream: *eats it*

Eggman and Mephiles: *glares while eating*

Everyone else: *eats it*

Me: hey guy!! So I'm going to try to do all the dares today!! So stay on and I shall do your dare!! I'll Do 3 per chapter from now on. :)

Ask and dare sonic and friendsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن