Chapter 2

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AMBREE'S POV     The smell of breakfast blew through the room the next morning as I was brushing my hair. I went down and my father was setting some plates at the table.    "Ambree, nice to see you," He said looking up. His dark features were stern as usual but he smiled when he spoke leaving me slightly confused as to his mood. I smiled but didn't say anything back. He placed the last glass on the table and I followed him into the kitchen where my mother was standing in front of the stove where something was sizzling,  my brother had his back towards me and was washing something in the sink. I looked at my mother as she turned and faced me. "Good morning darling," She smiled sweetly and her light green eyes lit up. Flicking her light brown, medium length hair over her shoulder she continued cooking. My father handed me a glass bowl with fruit in it and pointed to the table. I brought it back down and everyone followed, carrying something.   As soon as I sat down my mother brought in everyone's daily vitamins in small glass dishes. She was kind of a health nut, making us always eat organic, staying away from artificial sweeteners, white sugar and anything processed. She always made everyone take a ton of vitamins from juice plus to iron and everything in between. I grabbed the fish oil first since they were the hardest to get down, then one caught my eye. " I thought you said I didn't have to take these this week," I held up the large white pill between my fingers.  "Well after what happened yesterday I think its a good idea you take it," She didn't even look at me.  She just popped one of her pills into her mouth and sipped some water from her glass. I glared at her. Her words stung and it felt as she had stabbed me in the chest as if she was slowly pushing a small, sharp dagger through my heart, but not hard enough to actually kill me, just enough to make me suffer. It was her idea for me to stop taking it this week in the first place. But obviously she couldn't handle the real me. It's not like I blame her though. I could barely handle myself for a week.  "Please?" Alex's voice was soft. I sighed and popped it in my mouth, only because I knew he would end up shoving it down my throat if I refused. She always win. That woman sure had both my brother and dad wrapped around her finger. I hated how she treated me so differently. .  After we had all popped our various pills we started dishing out breakfast. I looked at the stack of whole grain pancakes and decided against them. I grabbed the fruit being careful to dish out maybe a cups worth. I also had some eggs and a cup of coffee.     After sitting in silence watching my brother load his plate with eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon and drizzling warm, sticky maple syrup all over the plate I felt a wave of anger hit me. It is so not fair that he can eat whatever he wants. He's always eating. He was devouring this plate that contained close to 1500 calories and he wouldn't gain an inch of fat. Yeah of course he worked out to stay in shape and he was on the football team as well as being a perfect student and in the best shape he could ever be, but it was like he didn't even try. Everything just came easily to him. Everything. I looked down at my plate and poked a piece of melon with my fork. I ate slowly and silently listening to them converse about the days plans. We only had four days here before we had to go home so we wanted to get out and make the best of our limited time.  I looked out the window and saw the water. It was a nice day out, sunnier than yesterday. There were some birds down by the water pecking along the white sand, looking for small bits of food and occasionally diving under the shallow water to catch a small fish, swooping down and splashing in the glistening water.   "Ambree?" I looked up not realized I had zoned out and completely lost the conversation.  "Hmm, what?" I looked at the blank faces around me realizing it was a question I had missed.  My mother sighed. Mumbling something under her breath that sounded like 'Obviously not taking A.D.D meds,'   That was it. I pursed my lips fighting the urge to scream the very unladylike words I was thinking. I threw my fork down, causing everyone to jump. I didn't care. Pushing my chair back I stood up, still glaring daggers at the woman I turned and walked quickly up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door as hard as I could, making sure they heard it. I sat down at my desk and only then realized I was crying. Why couldn't I just get along with them? I did everything I could to make them happy. I got good grades. I never stayed out late. I always checked in with them and returned their calls. Never did drugs, or drank. When I was fourteen she told me I needed to start watching what I ate and workout so I wouldn't get fat, I started counting calories and joined the track team. I tried so hard to be everything she wanted in a daughter. I tried so hard to be like their perfect son. I would never be good enough. I would always be living in his shadow. I hated it.    I heard a knock on my door, I wiped my face and turned away as she came in. I pulled my knees up and refused to look at her as she came closer. She put her arm um my shoulder and I flinched away. "Honey I'm sorry, I didn't know you wo.." "Don't even bother!" I snapped back causing her to cross her arms and huff. I was not going to listen to her blame this on me.  " You knew what you were saying. You don't get to apologize especially if you're going to make it all my fault for over reacting." I had heard it all before. She says one of her judgmental comments about me, which I usually let slide, but when I occasionally snap she somehow make it my fault, that I didn't understand the joke, I was over reacting, It was my fault for making a big deal over something silly. No. Not this time.  "Fine if you don't want an apology you wont get one." I looked up at her angry face. Her arms were still crossed and she continued to talk. " Be ready to go at 2 we're going out to the carnival on the boardwalk, and yes you have to come. I don't trust you here alone," My mouth opened and I could feel a rush of warmth spread through my body.   "Don't lock your door and don't try anything, you're not going to ruin this vacation for the rest of us because you've decided to be selfish."  She was out the door before I could reply. The hot tears started again. Her words ringing in my head.      After a good long cry I looked into the mirror and sighed. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I then looked at my reflection and thought back to earlier. I breathed in feeling a cool rush go through my body,  I knew I wasn't looking at myself in the mirror. It was something in my eyes. I could always tell when Amber had arrived. I let out a sigh finally feeling in control. I went back to the bedroom and picked out clothing. I only had three hours to get ready. I turned on the radio and started on my hair.   By 1:30 I had crimped my long dark hair leaving it several inches past my shoulders. It was thick, but crimping it really showed how thick it was. I had on light makeup, lip gloss, mascara and a shimmery eyeshadow with a purple undertone to bring out the green in my green/hazel eyes. I had on a strapless, cream colored, lacy dress that flowed just around my knees, with a lightly worn denim jacket, a light brown belt that matched my boots.  I was just about ready when someone knocked on the door.  "Come in!" I said loudly enough to be heard over the music. Alex had on dark jeans and a deep blue shirt. He smiled as he walked over to the full length mirror where I was looking over my body. Gosh I looked cute! The light colored dress made my medium skin look flawless, my legs were toned from running track, and the belt made my waist look slim. He stood behind me making me feel short. He was almost a foot taller than my petite 5'2 frame. We made eye contact in the mirror. " Someone's in a better mood?" It was almost a question but we both knew the answer. " I never miss the carnival," I smiled and walked to the bathroom. He followed and I grabbed one of my many perfumes spraying it a few times and shimmying it around myself. He laughed lightly.  "She was out of line," I pursed my lips slightly but didn't answer. "She shouldn't have said those things this morning, or when she came to apologize. I'm sorry she gives you a hard time."  He was apologizing for her. Wow, he was the perfect brother.  "It's okay, I probably scared her to death yesterday." I looked away. " Yeah but still, she should try to be more understanding, you just.." He paused. I turned and looked at him daring him to finish his sentence.  ".. you confuse her." I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.  "Yeah, I'm difficult and hard to deal with. I get it." He smiled lightly and pulled me into a hug.  " It's nice to see that you're doing better," I pulled away and smiled back. " Thanks, I don't know what I would do without you!" He checked his watch.  " Well I guess we had better get going Amber." We walked down through my bedroom and back downstairs. My parents were waiting by the front door, we were all ready to go.   

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