"Back" She said sounding heavy. "I was looking through the store and this one dress was just standing out. It will be perfect for you." She said as she handed me the dress.

It was a red dress. It was a bit tight around my thighs, and it was up to knee length and had a glittery touch on top. It was like Adriana's but the color was red. "Here put this gold neckless on" She instructed me.

I tried it on and grabbed the neckless as I carefully landed it on my neck. Holy shit you would never believe it. Bloody hell, it actually fit.

                 "Oh my-" I said as I looked in the mirror.

"Let me see!"

I opened up the dresser door and as Adriana look me from head to toe, I could tell she was speechless.

"It looks gorgeous! we are taking it! how much does it cost?" she asked with a lighting sparkle in her eyes.

I gave her the hold on signal as I went into the dressing room and took the dress off as I started putting back my clothes on. " Um" I said as I opened the door with the dress wrapped around my arm. "Let's just put it back, kay, cool."

"How much?"


"12?! Twelve bloody dollars?!" She asked.

"No, 12 would probably be the cost of the red mask, more like 120 bloody dollars.." I admitted

"I'll pay for it." a too familiar voice said.

My eyes widen with surprise. "Josh? what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I was actually in the mall shopping for some Xbox video games at game stop but on my way, I saw you coming into this store. I kind of lost you at first but then here I am" He explained with a smile.

"Ye-yeah, hey Jo-josh," Adriana studdered. Yuck.

He nodded at her existence and then took the dress of my hands.

"Where are you going with the dress?" I asked as I followed him out of the hall.

"To ride unicorns with hot Hollister models. What do you think Princess, i'm going to pay for the dress. And that's your birthday gift from me to you. It's too beautiful for it not to be worn by a beautiful girl." He smiled.

"Gosh thanks Josh, but to be completely honest, you sound like a girl."

"Do you want the dress or not Osborne?" She said in an overly tired voice.

"We are calling each other by last names now? Yes I do want the dress PARKER."

"You are just mad my last name is sexier then yours." He smirked.

I sighed. "Not at all"


"There it's done." Brittany said "You look gorgeous, happy birthday sweetheart."

"Thanks Aunt Britt. You're the only one who knows how to do makeup" I smiled.

"Okay, now go get Adriana so we can leave, the limo is ready."

Gosh this day was wonderful and it hasn't even started. First today in the morning I got all these compliments and happy birthday sayings at school, I got only ONE birthday punch because I threaten that if anybody punched me in the arm for birthday punches they would get punched back. Then Josh buys me this gorgeous dress, then surprisingly my Aunt who's not really my aunt but I feel as if she is shows up at my house, and now I'm having an expensive party with a limo. Oh my god.

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