[12] And you pray with your knees on the ground 🗸

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{Edited January 6th, 2021}


NATSU was closing in on a river, but he didn't know if he was getting closer or not. But the light was getting closer, so he will assume he was.

   "Jellal!! You better be ready to die!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, running by the river. A body floating in the water made him skid to a stop and double check. Sure enough, someone was just floating, their white jacket getting wet. He furrowed his eyebrows together. "Gray?!"

Gray didn't move in the water, in fact he didn't even flinch. He was passed the fuck out.

   "What are you doing laying around in a place like this?!" Natsu stomped his feet childishly. Not hesitating, he started to waddle into the river. "H-Hey. . ." He glanced towards the beam he was running to. It was still light and still sucking up darkness. Clicking his tongue, he turned back to Gray. "Dammit, wake up! I'm in a hurry here! Baka!"

Finally, Gray slowly opened his eyes. Natsu let out a sigh of relief just as Gray sent him an evil smirk. The surface of the water shook as a wooden boat popped out of the water, the thing being held together by rope. Natsu pushed Gray back in shock.

   "We're on a raft?!" Natsu screeched, swaying as motion sickness took effect. "Ugh. . .Vehicles. . .You." He collapsed on his hands and knees, glaring up at Gray.

   "What a sucker you are, Natsu. That's right, vehicles are your greatest weakness. . ." Gray smirked, raising a hand above his head. An ice spear formed. "Die." He hissed, bringing the spear down.

An arrow struck the side of the raft, making it wobble from impact. Gray paused, turning his gaze to the new group on the bank.

   "What are you playing at, Gray?!" Lucy snapped, pointing an accusing finger at him. One of Lucy's Celestial Spirits was standing next to her with a bow. If he wasn't wearing a brown horse outfit, Crystal would have thought he was a normal person.

Crystal's eyes narrowed at the sight before her, Natsu turning green and Gray just watching them carefully.

   "Moshi, moshi! You heard the lady!" Sagittarius, the Spirit, exclaimed. Crystal gave him a weird look.

   "Lu. . .cy. . ." Natsu groaned in discomfort, puffing his cheeks out.

   "Don't interfere now, Lucy," Gray mocked as the boat started to float with the flow.

   "Wh. . .What's going on. Don't tell me you've fallen into the 'darkness'. . ." Lucy murmured. The boat stopped as it ran into a dead tree, a loud 'thunk' sounding from it. "It stopped moving!! Get a hold of yourself!" Lucy yelled, shaking her fist in the air.

   "It's m. . .moving. . .floating. . .wobbling. . ." Natsu groaned.

   "Does he have. . .?" Crystal trailed off.

   "Severe motion sickness? Yes." Lucy huffed.

   "Natsu, I'll get you out of there!" Happy shout, sprouting his wings and started for his partner. Gray chuckled, raising his hand covered in a blue aura. Happy let out a yelp of surprise as he fell to the ground, his body stuck in a chunk of ice.

   "What are you doing to Happy?!"



Gray narrowed his eyes slightly. "Happy. . .Able to fly. . .Can carry one person at a time. . .Useless in battle. . .Information retrieved complete."

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