[4] With your lust and your greed weighing down 🗸

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{Edited May 4, 2020}


CRYSTAL Marvell loved many things. Fighting, rain, her big sister, her friends - the list could go on for days.

Running was one of the many things that weren't on that list.

The young girl wheezed from behind Wendy, still holding her hand, as the group ran after Natsu for the miles he ran. They had yet to stop to take a break, Natsu hadn't even slowed down.

Which, in turn, was bad for Crystal.

After an illness hit her hard years ago, just before they found Cait Shelter, she was left with a breathing problem called asthma. It usually didn't bother her in her daily life, but then again, she never ran more than a mile or so everyday.

   "N-Nee-chan," Crystal heaved out, squeezing her sisters' hand to get her attention. Wendy squeezed back, showing she was listening. "I. . .I can't. . ."

   "I-I'll help you when we stop," Wendy breathed heavily, also not used to running this much. "Asthma, right?"


   "We'll help you once that buffoon stops running." Carla snapped from the front of the line, still tugging the girls along.

   "It's the woods! I can see it!" Said buffoon shouted from the front.

   "Wait up, Natsu!" Gray demanded.

   "But I don't wanna!" Natsu replied childishly, even going as far as turning around and sticking his tongue out at Gray.

  And I thought I was the youngest person here, Crystal thought to herself.

   "Don't start running like you did before!" Erza ordered, not too far behind Gray. She looked like she hadn't even broken a sweat. Lucy on the other hand, who was right behind them, was panting worse than Crystal herself.

   "Wait! You guys are running too fast!"

   "Stay close to me," Ren said, matching his pace with Lucy.

   "I'll hold your hand," Eve offered with a smile. Hibiki was next to them, sending the blonde a smirk.

   "Princess, may I carry you?"

   "Annoying!" Lucy huffed out.

Carla - going back to her hardcore trainer mode - didn't even take a backwards glance as she commented, "You're too slow Wendy! Crystal, keep up! You have to push against your asthma!"

   "B-But!" Wendy stammered, not finishing her reply as she tried to breath.

   "The d-dust isn't helping," Crystal pointed out, her voice raspy.

   "I'll do my best, too!" Happy declared from behind them. That seems to make Carla speed up.

A shadow slowly crept over the four guilds as they ran, making them stop one-by-one as they noticed the huge ship flying over them. Crystal would've marveled at the beautiful ship, but her breathing got worse. She coughed, trying to catch her breath.

   "Deeps breaths," Wendy whispered, rubbing Crystal's back. "Put your hands on your head. Carla, did you bring anything?"

   "I forgot," Carla narrowed her eyes, feeling a pang of disappointment for herself.

   "I could use my-"

   "No," Crystal cut Wendy off before she could finish her sentence. "That t-takes a lot out of you. . ."

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