He asked, tilting his head expectantly. I hummed in response, not caring to unwrap myself from Niall's embrace.

"Now? As in right now? This very second?"

He insisted and Niall sighed.

"Jesus Christ, Liam, we get it. Now leave and let my princess get up properly."

The older boy shuffled out of the room, a smirk on my face.

"Thanks Ni."

I whispered, slowly lifting the covers and crawling from underneath them.

"See you in a bit."

I placed a kiss on his forehead, to which he responded by wrapping his arms around my neck in a tight embrace.

"Okay, you can let go now."

I chuckled, as he pouted.

"Bye, Nono."

"Bye, Nini."

I closed the door behind me, making my way to Louis's room, which was the closest.

I knocked softly and entered, smiling at the sight of a sleeping Lou.

"Oh your highness, queen of sass, the time to arise has come."

He opened one eye, eyeing me suspiciously, a smirk on his face.

"Why thank you, my princess of sass. How can I ever repay you?"

"Video game lessons."

I stated simply before turning in my heels and filing out of the room.

After waking the other boys up, I walked to the bathroom.

And yep, there's that familiar trail of blood.

Fuck. You. Mother nature.

Fuck. You.

I quickly threw on some -not white- clothes and went back to my room to find some pads.

Luckily, Niall left the room, probably to get some breakfast.

You see, last time I had my period, I didn't tell the lads. I mean, don't wonna give'em a heart attack, now do we?

I looked in my suitcase, in that particular pocket that no one ever opened.

Only to find it empty.

Okay, mother nature: 2. Noah: 1.

What a bitch.

"Looking for these?"

I heard a familiar accent ring behind me and I quickly turned around, my face turning crimson when I noticed Zayn holding a pack of pads.

"Yes,how'd you know?"

I sighed, eyeing the floor nervously.

This was one of the most awkward situations ever.

"I could tell. You, young lady, were having mood swings."

He said, plopping down on Niall and my bed.

"I was not."

I spat back, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Were too. "

"Were not."

"Jesus Christ, I'm not arguing with a girl on her period."


He chuckled, before patting the spot next to him, indicating for me to take a seat. Which I did, nervously shuffling closer.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, you know?"

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