I stepped in and fully closed the door behind me. As soon as you heard the door click close, the man stopped spinning and examined me closely.

Before I could even greet him, he rushed up to me and engulfed me in a huge bear hug.

"My daughter! I've finally met you!" He dramatically claimed.

Awkwardly I patted his back. Feeling the tension he pulled back and seated me in front of his desk.

"Feel right at home honey. I'm your dad after all. Your mom has told me so much about you!"

I shyly smiled and sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

As he later followed he also sat down but he had a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Isn't this exciting?" He gave a mini round of applause. I laughed at his eagerness.

"I guess it is, Mr. Lee."

He shook his head,"No, no, no. Call me father, dad, daddy, papa, anything. Just don't be too formal."

I smiled, "No problem. From now on I'll call you ajussi."

He frowned and sternly crossed his arms.

"You'll eventually give in. I have your mother on my side."

My eyebrows furrowed.

And this man is in his 60's?

Well at least now I know what my mom saw in him.

After explaining basically what my mom told me Soo Man clapped his hands twice, activating loud music, like the ones you would normally hear on fashion runways.

The double doors behind me suddenly burst open letting the first person in. Sehun.

He was dressed up more formal than usual, but I have to say, he had the perfect figure for a model.

One by one the boys entered through the door while ajussi excitedly gave their description like,

"Kai, the dancing machine whose stare could kill, and moves that could make you pregnant."

I sat there trying to sustain my laughter, but ajussi's descriptions killed me.

As soon as the whole show ended, I burst out laughing, but ajussi looked rather satisfied.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Now this is how you sell your artist." He stated.

I looked at the boys and nodded.

I guess it worked...

"And this will be your job from now on."

I looked back at ajussi.

I guess it is...

After that, ajussi let all the boys go back to their training rooms, so they don't waste any more time because they have a busy schedule, and from now on I will too.

My whole week was booked with each day of the week designated to a subject. Sales,  music theory,  latest trends; I had to study it all.

I was also suppose to have mentor to help me, but ajussi told me they're coming next week. For the time being the people who's going to be teaching me how to dance, rap, and sing... Will be the boys themselves.

From a tutor, to a student.

Yay.... Hehe...

But that isn't the best of it.

Turns out I'm planning the boys' next comeback, and my mission is to make them explode through out Korea and may be even the world. They're career will be in my hands.

Just makes the whole thing even more fun...

In the end ajussi dismissed me and sent me on my way to the boy's training room.

Today's a Tuesday, the first day of my training. Music theory, vocal, and rapping lessons. Walking down the empty hallway I can only imagine so little about what will the turn of events be. After a while of being with the boys I learned how to expect the unexpected.

Upon entering their room I braced myself for all the noise, but I didn't hear any. Instead I found Chanyeol alone scrolling through his phone.

Once he noticed my presence he abruptly turned around. At first he thought I was one of the guys, but to his dismay it was just plain old Minhye.

Rather than ignoring me though, he crossed his arms judging me from head to toe. He shook his head in disapproval.

What's his problem?

I mimicked him, mirroring his every move.

Right hand out, left hand out, but his efforts were to no avail. It came up to the point where he started air boxing me, but that I also copied.

He gave one good left hook, with my arm following after, but my arm
came out a bit too far punching him right in the face. BAM!

He collapsed down laughing while rubbing his cheeks. I followed to see if he was okay, but I also burst out laughing.

Did I just do that?

There was a light atmosphere around us, but that soon died down as my phone began to ring.

The name flashed across my screen...


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