"He got worried when I left the exam hall early and he couldn't find me when he finished." I replied.

"Isn't he just lovely." The sarcasim in his voice was more than evident but yet again I choose to ignore it. I didnt want to fight on his first day with me.

"I've made chicken tenders, samosa, grilled fajitas, biryani, chicken curry, chicken tekka, koftai and keebab. Oh and of course I didnt forget Zayn's favourite dish; halwa." Trisha said after my mouth dropped at the amount of food in Zayn's kitchen.

"Are we having the whole family over for iftar?" I asked a little shocked at the amount of food that was already made and the food still in the oven. When did she have time to cook all of this?

"No, it's just us." Trisha shrugged then went to check on something in the oven.

My stomach was beginning to ach from the amazing smell and I was startig to get hungry. It was only 4PM which meant I still had to endure three more hours of fasting.

"You look like a lost puppy." Zayn cooed sitting next to me on the couch.

Ever since we got to his house, the both of us were kind of distracted from one another. He stayed with his family a little talking and crying, mainly his mom, then he went to take a shower.

The whole time I tried to ignore our little disput in the car but it still bothered me at the back of my mind. Apparently he had already forgot about it.

Shrugging, I didnt feel like answerig him. Although I missed zayn so darn much and I wanted nothing more than to be where I am here with him, I couldn't just ignore what was bothering me and go back to how I was this morning. It was like I wanted to spend time with him because I still do miss him till this instant althkugh he is here, yet I don't want to talk to him.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked scooting over a little closer to me.

"Nothing." I murmured with a faint smile. I really didnt want to ruin our first day together.

"You are too quiet. Is it about my reaction to your call this morning?" He asked and when I didnt reply his doubts were confirmed.

Sighing, he looked into my eyes with a hint of guilt in him, "I'm sorry, I know you want me to be nice to him but I just can't. Not when I know he likes you ina way ye shouldnt."

"He doesn't." I defended fast.

"I dont want to argue with you. I'm only home for a week." He said softly.

"I dont want that either. And Im sorry I was avoiding you when we got here. I just felt a bit hurt. He cares about me and I font like that my own fiance treats him like that." I said honestly not wanting to have anything held inside.

"He cares too much." Zayn couldn't hold the comment back.

"We are close friends. And I think you should trust my judgement. I would never do anything to make you even slightly question my intentions or my loyalty to you."

"I do. I just get protective of you. You are mine and I dont want to have to share you with that Seif guy or any of guy for that matter."  Zayn insisted taking my hand in his.

A smile forced its way on my face as my heart fluttered. I still dont like the way he talked about Seif but just the way he wanted me all to himself made me happy. Well not haooy but I dont know, like a little girl getting praised and feeling pride mixed with being flustered.

Silence fill between us. But it wasnt the awkward one, on the contrary it was more of a silent eye flirtation. His eyes took every little detail of my face in while he smiled and held my hand in his still. While I was a little shy, still a bit flustered from his words yet I stole glances to look at him. His eyes making my heart skip a beat. Just the way he looked at me made me feel heat eushing to my cheeks but I loved it. We could stay like that all day, I wouldn't mind one bit.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя