He growls, "don't speak-"

"I don't care about respecting you, Roman! You are keeping mates from being together! I know you don't give a crap about me, but you could at least let two people who care about each other be together!" I shout.

His eyes darken with anger, "we're leaving."

I growl in frustration, but follow after him outside. People now their head in respect, and I do the same to them, no matter my swirling anger inside of me. Just because he makes me mad doesn't mean I have to treat the rest of the pack badly.

"Get in," he orders.

I cross my arms over my chest, "maybe if you ask nicely."

He glances around, "get in, please."

I smile triumphantly, "that wasn't so hard, now, was it?"

He growls before slamming the door after I get in. He walks around and sits on the other side of me in the back.

Once he's in, the driver pulls off. I lean my head on the window, watching as the landscape blurs by. How could he make two people stay away from each other? Two people who love each other?


I ignore him.

"Lena, look. I'll allow them to be together, but I need you to promise to respect me. If you can do so for the entire trip, when we return I'll announce it," he states.

I look over at him, "promise?"

His dark eyes hold mine, full of sincerity, "I promise."

"Fine, I'll agree with this," I reply, leaning my head back down. "But you have to do the same."

He growls softly, "fine."

"That means no more growling," I tell him.

He starts to growl, but I cut him off, "ah, you promised."

He sighs, "quid sum facturus vobiscum?"

I look at him confused for a second, but then turn my attention back out the window. He agreed so easily. Maybe Aria's right. Maybe he is changing. No, he's just trying to get to me, trying to make me trust him before he breaks me. He doesn't care about me.

After a while, I find myself falling asleep, and darkness consumes me.

I feel myself waking up a little later on, and snuggle closer to the warmth next to me. I'm comfortable and I don't want to get up. Then, I register the feeling of something touching my head, running through my hair.

I stretch, yawn, and open my eyes. I'm on my side now, and I look up. I'm startled when I see the thing I'm lying on is Roman's lap, the warmth was his stomach. I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment and sit up.

He let us sleep in his lap. He was also playing with your hair.

'Oh, shut up, Serai'

She laughs.

"Sleep well?" Roman ask, as if he hadn't even thought twice that I had just snuggled with him. Well, sort of.

"Yes, thanks. Did you sleep at all?" I question.

He smirks, "you snore too loudly, I don't think I could have if I had tried."

"I do not snore, Roman," I respond.

"Whatever you say, amica mea," he replies.

"What?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "now that you're awake, I'm going to get some sleep."

My cheeks heat up even more when he puts his head in my lap.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Going to sleep, what does it look like?" He responds.

I roll my eyes, but drop it. I look down at him and notice his features soften. He really is handsome, especially when he doesn't have a scowl on his face.

After a little while, his breathing slows and I know that he's fallen asleep. Feeling brave, I begin running my fingers through his hair, and my wolf purrs at the contact.

I freeze when a purring sound comes from him and he wraps his arm around my middle, burying his face into my stomach. He's still asleep.

I bite my lip to keep from laughing, and continue to run my fingers through his dark hair.

He seems so much less threatening when he's asleep. He's more vulnerable, and it's nice to see that side of him.

I lean my head on the door again, watching the landscape go by, and my mind wanders to my parents.

I miss them, a lot. They were supposed to meet my mate, my dad was supposed to scare him, tell him that he better not hurt me or else he'd beat him up. My mom was supposed to laugh with me when I would tell her about him.


I jump at the sound of Roman's voice.

"Why are you crying?" He asks, some emotion flashing in his eyes as he sits up to look at me.

"I-I didn't-"

Realizing that I actually was crying made me cry harder. I rub my eyes, trying to stop, but I can't.

Roman, uncomfortable, pulls me closer to him and on to his lap, wrapping his arms around me.

Not thinking, I wrap my arms around him and cry into his chest. He strokes my hair gently, but doesn't say anything.

"I didn't get to tell them goodbye," I state.

"Who?" He asks.

"My parents."

"Lena, there's something I should tell you," he says, his arms tightening around me slightly.

"What?" I question.

"My pack didn't kill your parents," he says. "I found you because I was on a run, I heard the commotion and-and my wolf made me come to you. The attack was by rogues. I got you out before they could hurt you."

"Rogues? I thought they just wanted to, well, to kill you. Why would they go after my family?" I ask.

"Because they knew you were my mate."

quid sum facturus vobiscum?- what am I going to do with you?

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