"Why?" I asked again. Nick shrugged.

I looked back at the class. They were looking just as confused as I was. I looked back at Nick again. An idea came to my head and I smirked. "Fine!" I said in an over dramatic voice. "I'll tell you why I was so tired." I looked at all the students. They looked at me like I was crazy. "Max and I had a prettyt wild night," I said as casually as possible. I kept my face straight and walked to my seat. I faced Nick and he looked like he had seen a ghost. Max was smirking at him. The guys were whooping and the girls were staring wide eyed at me. I kept my face serious.

"Um, ok," Nick said. His voice cracked and he cleared it. "Hey, guys!" he tried again. This time he got our attention. As soon as everyone's eyes were taken off us, Max and I burst out into fits of silent laughter. We high fived under the desks.

I pulled a piece of paper out of my binder and scribbled down a message for Max.

That was weird.

He grabbed the paper from me and wrote his reply. Very. I bet he wanted you to say something like, "I had a hot date with a total hottie!"

I snorted and closed my binder.

"Is there something funny about Romeo and Juliet, Miss Cast?" Nick said. He was kind of glaring at me. I was a bit taken aback.

"Yes," I said. I narrowed my eyes. "I find it funny that Romeo was just in love with another girl two seconds before he met Juliet. He's a player. The friar even tells him he thinks he's crazy. Not to mention that he creeps on her. I mean, really, sneaking into her castle and for a ball or whatever, and then watching her from her balcony. Kind of weird, wouldn't you agree?" I asked him. He had no right to be so snippy.

"Calm down," Max said in my ear. I nodded my head and took a few deep breaths. Why was I getting so worked up?

"Going to the ball was Benvolio's idea," Nick said. He wasn't glaring any more, but I could tell he was still upset.

"Well, Bevolio didn't 'fall in love' with a much younger girl," I replied. "Jail bait, if you would," I added after a seconds paused.

Max squeezed my hand. "That's enough," he whispered into my ear. I'd told him about the little nickname Nick had given me.

Nick stared at me for a second. His face was blank. "Thanks for sharing," he said after a second. "If you will excuse me, I have to go borrow a movie from a teacher upstairs. Kayla, you're in charge." Nick excited the classroom and my heart sank. An unwanted feeling settled into my stomach. I felt sick.

"What is up with you?" Max asked.

I shrugged. "He was," I paused, searching for the right words. I turned to face Max and put my lips to his ear. "He has no right to pick on me like that," I whispered fiercely into his ear. "He knows that I wouldn't tell him all that and then go and sleep with you."

Max pulled away from me. He stared into my eyes. "Does he? I mean, I am your boyfriend."

My jaw dropped. He didn't know. I felt so close to him, but I still hadn't told him. "Crap!" I muttered. I stood up and ran to the door.

"Where are you going?" Kayla asked.

I tried to think of an excuse. I glanced at her purse. "I- purse- cramps- period!" I concluded, running the rest of the way out.

"Sorry, guys. She's weird when it's her time of the month," Max shouted out loud.

I stood outside the door. I was going to find Nick, but I didn't have to go far. He was standing there as well.

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