Chapter 47 - Mia's Health

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Flashing lights and beeping machines fill my senses.

I blink my eyes open; Lace, Brad, Connor, James and Jen are all sat on the other side of the window, looking tired, eyes red.

I've screwed up, but I don't know how.

I tried to sit up, but it hurt.

"Hey, hey, Mia. Don't try and sit it up. You'll be in a lot of pain, it's natural."

"What happened to me?"

"You collapsed, Connor brought you too us as you had stopped breathing."

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, nothing serious. You just had hypotension. Or, low blood pressure."

"Will I be okay?"

"Of course. You should be allowed to leave tomorrow. I better warn you now, if you want to see your friends, they should come in now. In about 20 minutes I need to give you some pretty intense medication and you will fall asleep. Would you like to see them?"

"Yes please."

"She's very fragile, be careful." The nurse smiled, leading out the room as everyone walked in.

"Hey, Mia. How are you feeling?" Connor cooed, stroking my cheek lightly.

"I'm fine, Con. Are you all okay?"

"We're fine, Mia. What happened, did he say?" Brad asked, sitting on a chair; the others following.

"It was hypotension. Low blood pressure."

"We were so worried, Mia, we came straight here." Lace smiled weakly.

"Is t-that what I think it is?" I grinned, pointing weakly to her hand.

"Yes, we're engaged" Brad grinned.

"Congratulations!" I exclaimed along with James, Jen & Con.

"This group is nothing but a soap opera, I swear!" James laughed.

"I know!"

"Mia, do you know when you're being let out?"

"Tomorrow, hopefully. Dr. Cooper said he'd have to give me a high dose of some medication soon, so I had to see you now."

"I'm so happy you're okay" Jen side-smiled.

"I am too, I am so sorry for scaring you, Connor, especially."

"It's all okay, everything is going to be okay."

"Sorry to burst you bubble, but I'm afraid you're going to have to leave now. Mia needs this medication." Dr Cooper stated, sitting next to my bed.

"Bye, Mia, We'll see you tomorrow" They smiled, walking out the room.

"I love you" Connor mouthed.

"I love you too" I mouthed back.

"Mia, this is going to feel a bit weird, but it'll pass and you'll fall asleep."


"3..2..1, there we go."

Short filler, because it's going to get exciting soon!!
Dr. Cooper isn't named after Sheldon, lol, he's named after my orthodontist who is literally the best person I've ever met.

Hope you enjoyed!!

- thebreakfxstclub xox

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