Always She; Never I

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It was always she.

Not I.

In her singular matchless beauty,

That broke you.

Her hands; not mine,

That never reached out to keep you.

My heart never feared being exposed

Never slowed to consider,

Never mistrusted your grip

My eyes never looked away

Never closed in concern

Never questioned how heavy a first tear could be

My promise never wavered.

Never feared the chance,

Of holding nothing in the end.

It was she, always she.

Never I.

Her force crashed down upon you, never mine.

Pebble by pebble she drew upon you a wall.

It was her artistry that hid you away.

Always, only she.

Between the bricks, I searched for you.

Always, only I.

Never her.

In the end,

I felt the weight of crying;

Learned that exposure destroys what it holds;

I stood in the hollow of commitment.

Never her, only I.

I did not break you, she did.

She did not need you, I did.

It was I you always had.

Never her. Only I.

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